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Khaled 00xglitch Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Ali Nadhom AliNadhom
Hello this is ali, a Frontend Developer.

@Salalem Turkey

yasser elsayed yasserelsayed
Software developer with more than 6 years of experience in developing software applications.

salalem egypt

Aws Nafea awssalrawi
Electrical Electronics Eng.
Muhammed Al-Dulaimi that-one-arab
I make stuff. Sometimes they're good sometimes they're bad, but in both cases I enjoy the process :)

@Salalem Turkey

Firas Kafri firaskafri
Entrepreneur. Product Enthusiast. Founder of @Salalem - Maintainer @graphql-python / graphene / graphene-django

Co-Founder & CPO of @Salalem - @jogeeks - @jordanopensource