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Harish Kaushik HarishKaushik15
@FRC-Chain-Reaction-Robotics Software Captain/Lead Programmer @pshscc Officer

Plano Senior High School Plano, TX

Ragib Arnab ragibarnab
Postbac at Los Alamos National Laboratory, researching machine learning + computational neuroscience
Mike Degany MikeDegany
Mechatronics Engineer Autonomous Vehicles Expert @MikeDegany

United States of America

Jonas Wagner jonaswagner2826

@Applied-Systems-Lab (UT-Dallas Mechanical Engineering)

Ayush Sharma Ayush-sharma-py
Hi, I am Ayush Sharma a computer science student!
Gowri N. GowNanSA
CS Student: I may not know what I am doing 100% of the time, but I try my best! Stockpiling my code, work, and projects here in case my computer explodes!
Elyas Belkhir ElyasBelkhir
Computer Science Student @ UT Dallas Interested in AI and Systems

Dallas, Texas

Stepan Antonyuk stepan-antonyuk
Engineer is engi here. Like to build robots, make game engines, program games, work with digital electronics, do physics, and math. Let's make Cyberpunk.

UTD class of 2025 Dallas, TX

LucianZhong lucianzhong


Harsha Kota kota-harsha
Working my way to mastery . . . one step at a time 📈

Dallas, TX

Jai Peris jaiperis
Hello, I am an aspiring Electrical Engineer studying at the University of Texas at Dallas. I am proficient in Python 3, C++, and Java.
Daniel Vayman danielv012
Studying Computer Science at UTD

Dallas. TX

Phase Le congphase

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Will Heitman wheitman
MSc Robotics Systems Development at CMU Robotics Institute
