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ΛBDUL HΛJIYΞV abdulhajiyev
Web Developer ◢◤ Self-taught CG Artist

Eigen LTD Earth

Tomáš Hübelbauer TomasHubelbauer
CEO of programmering · full snack developer · propellerhat hacker · cleartographer · 10x²+y developer · Rube Goldberg machinist · luddite

@rhaeo Prague, Czech Republic

Leandro Muto Botassio leandromuto

@mercedes-benz Porto, Portugal

astrolemonade astrolemonade
Learning to create stuff with stuff
xiaomin tang xtang
Cofounder of and

@bearyinnovative BeiJing


Mountain View, CA, USA

Florian Pichler pichfl
Designer. Developer. Maker. Baker.

@mainmatter Augsburg, Germany

ProtieusKeebs protieusz
Keyboard Wizard designer & EasyEDA Knight of unique keeb pcbs & handwiring keeb builds.

ProtieusKeebs Canada

Rodrigo Benenson rodrigob

Zürich, Switzerland.



Z. Du duzaichuan
An Economics monk

University of Munich Germany

Jannik qysp

@shopware Germany

tam kien duong taniki
jack of all `pd.DataFrame`; master of `np.nan`

@mediapart Paris

Gerrit Plehn GerritPlehn
Data Engineer - Keyboard Enthusiast - Pizza Lover 🍕⌨️ Analyzing Complexity, Automating Business

@storyblok Germany

Filip Boye-Kofi Spuxy
Master degree of Computer Science. Working at Livesport as DevOps (k8s, k6, CICD, kibana, ES, DBs etc...) My favorites languages: 0. Go 1. Rust

Livesport Prague