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Lukitahzz Lukitahzz
Made an account out of curiosity. Trying to learn how to code with Java.

Chile 🇨🇱🗣️🔥🔥🔥

Roman Avdeev lll-Death-lll
Hi, I'm an aspiring Rust/Go programmer! Feel welcome to look through or contribute to my projects!

Samara, Russia

Scream [dev] scream-dev
I am a website developer from Russia! You can find my website in the repository or on the website

Innopolis, Russia

Eric Rocha ericrocha97
Formado em Análise e desenvolvimento de sistemas na universidade Univel. Graduated in Systems Analysis and Development at Univel University.

@Accenture Brasil

Lolpro LolproDoesStuff
i am som1 from italy


Nicolas Renault NicolasRenault
IT developer at Trelleborg

Trelleborg France

Patrick F. Mendoza PatrickPringles
We are the masters of our own fate.


Samuel Villegas devsamuelv
College student looking to build something cool.

@ThePinkAlliance Florida, USA

Octocat styglis
G'day. (;-_-)ノI'm a developer pursuing a job in game development and AI machine learning. But of course, we're here to code: here we be penning C++ & JS, etc. ☄

Every single one Everywhere

AurumPlayz Aurum490
Graphic designer, programmer and producer! Tech enthusiast & an open-source advocate. Always open to collaborating on projects and innovative/disruptive ideas.

Cobalt Productions Western Australia


Iqaluit, Nunavut

osfanbuff63 osfanbuff63
@mojira Helper, Minecraft datapack creator, and various other projects in Python.


Talon Vanderbeken tvanderb

@TetraBit-Solutions Ontario, Canada

Rushan Mukhutdinov RushanM
Game developer and Russian translator

Deflecta Russia


Magdeburg, Germany

RazrCraft R4z0rX
I hit my fingers on the keyboard, and sometimes good things happen.


cipher. cipherwithadot
we'll meet again. don't know where. don't know when.

turn around

Kichura Kichura
May i assist in enhancing your GitHub workflows? 🐦


Scar Razor421
Junior Web Developer CSS/HTML/JS i know a bit

ASEAN BTE Singapore