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Rafael siliciuss
B. Sc. Mech Eng | Computer Science | Digital Transformation | Innovator

Silicius Ltd

José Carlos Andrade do Nascimento joseCarlosAndrade
Bachelor in Computer Science at ICMC / USP - São Carlos

University of São Paulo - USP / ICMC

Marco Garcia marcogarcia2
Computer Engineering Student at USP - University of São Paulo

University of São Paulo São Carlos - SP

Felipe Tommaselli Felipe-Tommaselli
Student of Electrical Engineering with emphasis in Computing at the University of São Paulo (EESC-USP).

Presidente Prudente e São Carlos

Marco Soprani Tayar marcotayar
Studying Mecathronics Engineering at University of São Paulo. Interested in Navigation and CVision methods, mainly applications of DRL for Aerial Vehicles.

USP São Carlos

Agnes Bressan de Almeida AgnesBressan
Cursando Engenharia de Computação na Universidade de São Paulo.

Universidade de São Paulo Bauru - SP, Brazil.

João Pinheiro joaomh
MSc. Student at University of Sao Paulo and Data Scientist
João Pedro Alves jpalves
Técnico superior de apoio à investigação científica

Home Coimbra Portugal

QSLee-Net QSLee-Net
There is light at the end of the tunnel.

CASIC Harbin

ljaniec ljaniec
Robotics software & AI/ML developer at Arendai, PhD Student

Wrocław University of Science and Technology Wrocław, Poland

Belal Hmedan bhomaidan1990
someone @ Somewhere

somewhere Germany