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profe TheMolecularDynamicsProfessor
Professor of Material Physics & Molecular Simulations at the university level.
Orpheus Lummis orpheuslummis
public-interest technologist
Alireza Sardaripour alireza-sardar
Med, Neuro and some other stuff

IPM Institute For Research In Fundamental Sciences Tehran , Iran

Vi witwiki
W⦾rking ⦾n ₿ringing humanity ₿ack t⦾ Ξquili₿rium.

@Metasolis Jarsoom

Galactic Beyond galactic-beyond
Building a precise model of this grotesque, duplicitous world.
Tobias Brandt snth
Chief Excel Officer, PowerBI Lifter, Pythonista, Rustacian, PRQL Core Contributor

Cape town, South Africa

0xzenodotus raynemang
building decentragora — a metaverse terminal


Tomasz Waszczyk TomaszWaszczyk

Real Life Matrix tomek.waszczyk.eth ||