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Solti Csongor Péter CsPS0
High School Student

Hungary, Pest County

Christian Frantzen Cephra
a software developer
Luke Saccento CalcWIZ16
I host a Minecraft server for my friends, then again I'm on GitHub so what friends do I have. Discord: @calcwiz

The LukeSMP Network San Jose, California

Dave Van Cauwenberghe davevancauwenberghe
🇧🇪 - 27 |  Indie developer

dvc. Gent, Belgium

Aaron Shackelford chessset5
I am still learning stuff

Sacramento CA

gotkube gotkube
Basically a mad scientist

A dark corner in Canada

Mark Harris Media MarkHarrisMedia
Alpha Minecraft Survival Server Owner

Alpha Minecraft Inverness, Florida

Paul Tavitian themuzzleflare

Central Coast, New South Wales

Jonathan Esser EsserGaming
I like tech. I'm not so good at coding, but I also like hosting servers for SCP: Secret Laboratory.

Nebraska, USA

Ondřej Pacovský Ondra9071
Intermediate Web Dev

Czech Republic


Hynse Network Thailand

NiuFuyu NiuFuyu855
Hey! 👋 I'm a member of MPT(Minecraft Programming Team). A 16-year-old Chinese student. Just so so ......

@LunarTeams & @CNHOMO & @MinecraftProgrammingTeam (MPT Studio) Yangzijing Street, Jiangsu, Yangzhou, China

よんぱちさん Yon4800
いろいろおきば でたらめぐちゃぐちょを大量生産しています

Japan Kanagawa

Jessica leywalker

Amnesia Corporation Vermont

Antony SkyKingPX
Hello 👋. My name is Antony. I live in Germany and am a hobby coder 🙃 Discord Username: skyking_px


joker wangzhizhou
Documentary Life

@OrzGeeker 北京 海淀

Lazaro Contreras LazaroAFK

Amigable Chihuahua, Mex.

Lily • Lylythii Lylythii
she/her│cute & deranged | likes breaking things & seeing what happens | currently working on personal projects

@TerraFirmaCraft-The-Final-Frontier @TerraFirmaCraftNetwork @LVLVTHXX Did you know you can put an extremely long location name here? No? Well you can! That's a rather interesting thing don't you think? Perhaps you'd like some Lorem Ipsum? No? Okay then. Go check the rest of my profile instead! It has some cool things on it!

Bensuperpc bensuperpc
Software engineer in embedded system and Hardware enthusiast | Linux | Open Source | Wikipedia (En) | Autistic

French Republic, European Union

Making games in Godot, as well as Minecraft mods. Currently maintaining and creating various Minecraft mods.
Pavel ridixcr
Tech enthusiast, developer and open source lover.

@kiswar-org, @openstreetmap, @mapbox, @developmentseed 🇵🇪

Zekiu_ Zekiu
reactos is cool, love server-side fabric mods



In your walls