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Rusty Slackbot

Slack bot that can execute Rust code


Currently this is only supported for mac/linux based systems.

Slack Steps

  1. You'll have to create an app on slack website
  2. Enable Socket Mode and subscribe to the following bot events: message.channels and app_mention. This will generate a bot token for you that typically starts with xoxb-. You will need it later.
  3. You should also generate an App-Level token with the scope connections:write. The generated token will start with xapp-.

Repository Steps

Note: You'll have to have docker and docker-compose installed in order to run this in a container environment.

  1. Clone this repository to /opt/
  2. In the repository folder, create a file called .env which will contain 4 environment variables, each on its own line in the format of key=value:
  • RUSTY_LOG_LEVEL which controls the logs level. Set it to DEBUG as a default.
  • PLAYGROUND_URL which should be set to the rust playground current URL. Currently it's
  • SLACK_BOT_TOKEN which is the bot token you've generated before.
  • SLACK_APP_TOKEN which is the app token you've generated before.
  1. From the repository folder enter: make install
  2. Finally start the bot with make run

Bot Supported Commands

Currently the bot has the following commands supported:

  • !code: Entering this following a new line with formatted Rust code (using 3 backticks (`) in slack) will execute the code and will generate stdout and stderr along with a playground link to the code.
  • !eval: As with the previous command you should type it as !eval followed by new line with formatted rust code using 3 backticks. This is for code that can live inside main() - so you don't have to type main's signature itself. It is intended for evaluating simple expressions that do not require extra functions/imports.
  • !help:
    • !help docs - will output a link for rust docs
    • !help book - will output a link for the rust book
    • !help <anything else> - typing anything other than [docs, books] will display the available commands
  • @<botname>: Will generate a nice response from the bot

Some examples:




  • Add support for Windows