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Release process

Vladimir Kotal edited this page Dec 3, 2018 · 34 revisions

Release criteria

Ideally, the following minimum criteria should be fulfilled before a new final (i.e. non-prerelease) version is released:

  • The overall code coverage must be at least 70%
  • Sonarcloud reported bugs should not have any critical issues
  • No stoppers (meaning both Issues and Pull requests)
  • All bugs and enhancements must be evaluated (for final release also go through issues with given milestone and either fix them or retarget to next release by setting the new milestone)

Checklist for releasing OpenGrok:

The below steps are common for both pre-release and final release:

  1. check that latest build passes tests, test code coverage is above given threshold

    If extra care is needed (final release, significant changes since the last release, etc.), consider checking the following:

    • index fairly large code base, ideally multiple projects
    • deploy webapp
    • check UI:
      • history view
        • try comparing 2 distant revisions
        • check pagination
      • annotate view
      • directory listing
        • check sorting using multiple criteria
      • perform search using multiple fields across multiple projects

    The release is OK, once above is fulfilled to our satisfaction.

  2. set new version

    mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=1.1-rcXYZ

    Then commit and push the change:

    git commit pom.xml **/pom.xml

    git push

  3. Trigger release creation

    git tag 1.1-rcXYZ

    git push origin tag 1.1-rcXYZ

    Wait for the build to finish and release created.

    Go to and edit the text of the release, e.g. adding list of issues fixed, whether complete reindex is necessary etc.

  4. Send announcement to (the #opengrok Slack channel should receive the release info automatically thanks to Github hooks)