OpenWrtTOH enhances the user experience of the OpenWrt Table of Hardware (ToH) by providing a much faster user interface and offering straightforward options for controlling which (of the seventy or so) columns are shown, which models are shown, and ultimately which (of the 2600+) devices are shown.
The resulting web page also makes it easy for users to search the table for interesting devices.
- Removes bottom feedback box
- Replaces Owrt abbreviation by OpenWrt (in tooltip & Detail view)
- Credits contributors
- Adds .domains file (for codeberg hosting)
- Moves www files to the root folder (for easy deployment)
- Prepares migration to
- Rename OpenWRT to OpenWrt
- 'Ethernet' filter features are now mutually exclusives
- Fixes Wlan 60Ghz Title typo (was 600Ghz)
- Displays Filtered / Total count in the header
- Links Header Title to TOH's base URL
- Add all 'Type' filter features
- Fixes Wlan 600Ghz Title typo (was 200Ghz)
- 'Modem DSL' feature excludes items with unsupported DSL modem
- Correctly sorts 'Unsupported' column
- Memory, Modem & Type features are each mutually exclusive
- Fixes RamMb HeaderFilter & Sort
- Smaller Filter Preset buttons
- Mimic current Firmware-Selector page Header
- Mimic current Firmware-Selector page
- Add OpenWrt FavIcon
- Rename feature filter: from "PoE powered" to "PoE capable"
- Fix the features add/remove Tabulator filtering bug
- Correctly update browser URL after clearing filters
- Update "Availability" filters
- More "loading" icon displayed on long tasks
- Add a CHANGELOG file
- Deluxe console logs (for developers)
- Implement User's presets (stored in Cookies)
- Add preset "obsolete in 24.xx"
- Update presets to use 16+64 and 64+128 features
- Add filters for 2.5GbE and 10GbE
- other updates
- Populate checked filter, features, view, columns in the URL, allowlng to bookmark/recall a whole view
- Significant refactor of the code
- Considerable reformatting of the table appearance and columns
- Implement most filters
- Add many presets
- Initial commit
- Basic functionality