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elexonpy is a Python package that provides a convenient interface to the ELEXON API.

This package is generated using Swagger Codegen, ensuring compatibility and ease of use with the ELEXON API services.


You can install the elexonpy package via pip from PyPI.

pip install elexonpy

Examples usage

There are some examples in the examples directory that demonstrate how to use the package to retrieve data from the Elexon API.

Example 1: Demand

This example demonstrates how to use methods from the DemandApi to retrieve various types of demand data from the Elexon API and format it into a DataFrame.

# This script demonstrates the use of methods from the DemandApi
# to retrieve various types of demand data from the Elexon API.

from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from elexonpy.api_client import ApiClient
from elexonpy.api.demand_api import DemandApi

# Initialize API client
api_client = ApiClient()
demand_api = DemandApi(api_client)

# Define date range for Actual Total Load Data
from_date = datetime(2024, 7, 1)
to_date = datetime(2024, 7, 2)

# Fetch Actual Total Load Data from API
df = demand_api.demand_actual_total_get(

# Print Actual Total Load Data DataFrame
print("\n--- Actual Total Load Data ---")

Example 2: SIP price

This example demonstrates how to use methods from the IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi to retrieve settlement system prices data from the Elexon API and format it into a DataFrame.

Example 2
# This script demonstrates the use of methods from the IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi
# to retrieve settlement system prices data from the Elexon API.

from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from elexonpy.api_client import ApiClient
from elexonpy.api.indicative_imbalance_settlement_api import IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi

## Initialize API client
api_client = ApiClient()
imbalance_settlement_api = IndicativeImbalanceSettlementApi(api_client)

# Define settlement date
settlement_date = '2024-07-02'

# Fetch system prices data from API
df = imbalance_settlement_api.balancing_settlement_system_prices_settlement_date_get(

# Print DataFrame
print("\n--- Settlement System Prices Data ---")

Example 3 : DA Solar and Wind Forecast

This example demonstrates how to use methods from the GenerationForecastApi to retrieve day-ahead forecast data for wind and solar generation from the Elexon API and format it into a DataFrame.

Example 3
# This script demonstrates the use of methods from the GenerationForecastApi
# to retrieve day-ahead forecast data for wind and solar generation from the Elexon API.

from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from elexonpy.api_client import ApiClient
from elexonpy.api.generation_forecast_api import GenerationForecastApi

# Initialize API client
api_client = ApiClient()
forecast_api = GenerationForecastApi(api_client)

# Define date range for fetching day-ahead wind and solar forecast data
from_date = datetime(2024, 7, 1)
to_date = datetime(2024, 7, 7)  # Note: Maximum data output range is 7 days

# Fetch day-ahead forecast data for wind and solar from API
df = forecast_api.forecast_generation_wind_and_solar_day_ahead_get(
    process_type='day ahead',

# Print DataFrame
print("\n--- Day-Ahead Wind and Solar Forecast Data ---")


API Endpoints

Documentation for the API Endpoints can be found here


Documentation for the Models can be found here


All endpoints do not require authorization.


How do I get an API key?

You dont need one. The Elexon API does not require an API key for access.

How do I get a year worth of data?

You currently have to write a loop yourself. We hope to incorporate this into the package in the future.


To install the package directly from the GitHub repository, use the following command:

 pip install git+


To run the tests, make sure you have pytest installed

pip install pytest

and then you can run


Contributing and community

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Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


Peter Dudfield
Peter Dudfield

Matthew Duffin
Matthew Duffin

Jacqueline James
Jacqueline James

Yousef Elsawy
Yousef Elsawy

Utkarsh Verma
Utkarsh Verma

Anas Khan
Anas Khan


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Part of the Open Climate Fix community.

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