The testing architecture is documented in This is fairly in depth so is only necessary if making changes to the core testing framework.
The hierarchy for tests is:
Test: A single test, that tests a given flow e.g. the happy path for a successful free booking.
Feature: A collection of Tests that must all pass for a given feature to be considered successfully implemented. Features may be turned on or off in the
configuration.Example features:
: Booking of free Opportunitiescustomer-requested-cancellation
: Customer-requested Cancellationsproposal-amendment
: Ability to amend proposals in the Approval Flow
A feature contains both implemented and non-implemented tests:
Implemented tests are tests that are expected to pass if the feature is turned on.
Non-implemented tests are tests that are expected to pass if the feature is turned off.
An example non-implemented test is
within thenon-free-opportunities
feature. This test checks that the Booking System under test does contain any non-free bookable sessions, and therefore can validly skip testing for non-free opportunities.
Category: A collection of Features. Categories are only used to group features together for documentation purposes.
Example categories:
: Payment-related featurescancellation
: Cancellation-related features
Tests exist in a path that includes identifiers for the Category, Feature, and Test; whether it is implemented or non-implemented; and a postfix of -test.js
, as follows:
The following test:
FeatureHelper.describeFeature(module, {
testCategory: 'payment',
testFeature: 'simple-book-with-payment',
testFeatureImplemented: true,
testIdentifier: 'with-payment-property',
Will exist in the path test/features/payment/simple-book-with-payment/implemented/with-payment-property-test.js
For each feature, there also exists a feature.json
file, which contains metadata about the feature. This is used by the Documentation Generator to automatically generate the documentation for that feature. It exists at the following path:
Here is a fairly complete example feature.json
"category": "payment",
"identifier": "non-free-opportunities",
"name": "Opportunities with a non-zero price",
"description": "The most simple form of booking with payment. Does not check for leases.",
"specificationReference": "",
"required": false,
"coverageStatus": "complete",
"links": [
"name": ".NET Tutorial",
"href": ""
"requiresOneOfIfImplemented": ["prepayment-optional", "prepayment-required", "prepayment-unavailable"]
Properties in a feature.json
(REQUIRED): Identifier of the category that this feature belongs to -
(REQUIRED): This feature's identifier -
(REQUIRED): Human-readable name of the feature -
(REQUIRED): Description of the feature -
(REQUIRED): A link to the relevant part of the Open Booking API specification. -
(REQUIRED): Whether or not this feature is required to be implemented. Iftrue
, then the feature must be implemented for a Booking System to be considered conformant. Iffalse
, then the feature is optional. -
(REQUIRED): Whether or not this feature is considered to have a complete set of tests written. Options:complete
: All tests for this feature have been written.partial
: Some tests for this feature have been written.none
: No tests for this feature have been written.
(OPTIONAL): Links to resources that may be useful for implementing this feature. Each link has a human-readable name,name
, and a URL,href
. -
(OPTIONAL): Description of when this feature is required. This is for features which are required only in certain circumstances. For an example,access-code-update-notifications
:"requiredCondition": "Required if accessCode can change",
(OPTIONAL): A list of features which must be implemented if this feature is implemented. The examplefeature.json
at the top of this section indicates that, if a Booking System implementsnon-free-opportunities
, then they also need to implement at least one ofprepayment-optional
, orprepayment-unavailable
. -
(OPTIONAL): An explanation of whether or not this feature should be implemented, especially for complicated use cases. For an example,prepayment-required-unavailable
:"explainer": "This feature must be implemented if prepayment-required and prepayment-unavailable are both implemented.",
Most tests are configured using FeatureHelper.describeFeature(..)
. A simple example usage of this is:
FeatureHelper.describeFeature(module, {
testCategory: 'core',
testFeature: 'availability-check',
testFeatureImplemented: true,
testIdentifier: 'availability-confirmed',
testName: 'Occupancy in C1 and C2 matches feed',
testDescription: 'Runs C1 and C2 for a known opportunity from the feed, and compares the results to those attained from the feed.',
testOpportunityCriteria: 'TestOpportunityBookable',
controlOpportunityCriteria: 'TestOpportunityBookable',
function (configuration, orderItemCriteriaList, featureIsImplemented, logger) {
An explanation of the main properties:
: Identifiers for the Category, Feature and Test respectively. For info on what these are, see Structure. -
: Whether or not this test is implemented or non-implemented. For info on what this means, see Structure. -
: Short- and long-form human-readable descriptions of the text. These are used for automatic Documentation Generation and for the test report. -
: The Opportunity Criteria to use for the primary OrderItem under test. For info on criteria, see Opportunity Criteria. -
: The Opportunity Criteria to use for any "control" OrderItems. For info on criteria, see Opportunity Criteria.When the test is run with multiple opportunities, a "control" opportunity will be added. With this, one can test that the feature still works if combined with other opportunities.
For example, if testing an error, set the controlOpportunityCriteria to TestOpportunityBookable to ensure that the correct error is returned even though one of the opportunities in the Order is valid.
If a control isn't appropriate for a particular test, this can be set to the same value as
This is not an exhaustive list of properties which FeatureHelper.describeFeature(..)
accepts. See the code documentation for the full picture.
For more information on FeatureHelper
, see the ARCHITECTURE doc.
The definition of an Opportunity Criteria is documented in the test-interface-criteria docs.
Each test is configured to only run for Opportunities which conform to some criteria. This is primarily specified by the testOpportunityCriteria
property of FeatureHelper.describeFeature(..)
In this example, the test will only run for Opportunities which are bookable, cancellable, and where the current time falls within the cancellation window:
FeatureHelper.describeFeature(module, {
testName: 'Successful booking and cancellation within window.',
testDescription: 'A successful end to end booking including cancellation within the cancellation window.',
testOpportunityCriteria: 'TestOpportunityBookableCancellableWithinWindow',
This is particularly useful for this test, as it checks that these types of Opportunities can be successfully booked and cancelled. If the test were to run for Opportunities which are not cancellable, then the test would fail, but this would not be a valid failure.
If creating a new feature, create a new folder within test/features/
with the name of the feature. Within that folder, create a feature.json
file as described in feature.json.
If this new test is being added to an existing feature, then skip this step.
Each test has a set of Criteria configured (see Opportunity Criteria). Check whether or not this test can use a Criteria that already exists or if a new one is needed. If a new Criteria is needed, be sure to create it in the Test Interface spec, as well as in the test-interface-criteria
In most cases, the test should be configured using FeatureHelper.describeFeature(..)
as described in Anatomy of a test. Other FeatureHelper
functions can be used for other cases – see the code documentation and usage of each for more info.
Here is an example of a simple test, split into annotated parts:
Configure the test using FeatureHelper.describeFeature(..)
, which helps generate documentation, test reports, and sets up the tests.
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { FeatureHelper } = require('../../../../helpers/feature-helper');
const { FlowStageRecipes, FlowStageUtils } = require('../../helpers/flow-stages');
// Configuration for the test, which helps generate documentation, test reports, and sets up the tests.
FeatureHelper.describeFeature(module, {
testCategory: 'payment',
testFeature: 'free-opportunities',
testFeatureImplemented: true,
testIdentifier: 'opportunity-free',
testName: 'Successful booking without payment property',
testDescription: 'A successful end to end booking without the `payment` property included.',
testOpportunityCriteria: 'TestOpportunityBookableFree',
// This must also be TestOpportunityBookableFree as the payment property is only disallowed if ALL items are free.
controlOpportunityCriteria: 'TestOpportunityBookableFree',
(configuration, orderItemCriteriaList, featureIsImplemented, logger) => {
Flow Stages are explained in more detail in their docs.
Here, we're using a FlowStageRecipes recipe to initialise the following Flow Stage Runnables:
- Fetch Opportunities: Fetches the Opportunities and Offers (with the given Criteria) from the Broker Microservice which are needed to run the test.
- C1-and-Assert-Capacity: Calls C1 for the selected Opportunity-Offer combos. Additionaly, checks, via the Broker Microservice, that the capacity of the Opportunity is as expected after calling C1 (it should be unchanged unless anonymous leasing is supported).
- C2-and-Assert-Capacity: Similar to C1 but for C2.
- Book-and-Assert-Capacity: How this behaves depends on whether Simple Booking Flow or Approval Booking Flow is under test (See: Test Matrix):
- Simple Booking Flow: Similarly to C1 and C2, calls B and checks that the capacity is as expected.
- Approval Booking Flow: Calls: P -> Order Proposal Feed Update -> B, and checks that the capacity is as expected after each of P and B.
If you need to test a different flow from this, there are many other Flow Stage Recipes available, and it's always possible to create custom flows from scratch.
Note that the Flow Stages are just initiated after this code is run. None of the API calls are made yet.
// ## Initiate Flow Stages
const { fetchOpportunities, c1, c2, bookRecipe } = FlowStageRecipes.initialiseSimpleC1C2BookFlow(
// Overridable options for the Flow Stages.
// Set the request template to 'standardFree' for the B (or P) request
bookReqTemplateRef: 'standardFree'
In this example, we use the standardFree
Book Request Template in order to ensure that the free booking is successful. Request templates are a useful way to configure the requests at each Flow Stage. For more info, see Request Templates.
Now that the Flow Stages have been set up, we use FlowStageUtils to create Jest test hooks (including describe(..)
, etc) for each of the Flow Stages.
It is in these Jest hooks where the API calls are made, outputs from each Flow Stage input into the next one, and then the results are checked.
Except for fetchOpportunities
, each invocation of FlowStageUtils.describeRunAndCheckIsSuccessfulAndValid(..)
includes an additional callback, in which custom tests are included. Each of these custom tests must be run within it(..)
hooks. See that itShouldHavePrepayment(..)
is a function which creates an it(..)
hook. If you are not familiar with Jest hooks, please see the Jest docs.
// ## Set up tests
// This does the following:
// - Runs the C1 FlowStage, which calls C1 in the Booking System under test
FlowStageUtils.describeRunAndCheckIsSuccessfulAndValid(c1, () => {
itShouldHavePrepayment('', () => c1.getStage('c1').getOutput().httpResponse.body);
FlowStageUtils.describeRunAndCheckIsSuccessfulAndValid(c2, () => {
itShouldHavePrepayment('', () => c2.getStage('c2').getOutput().httpResponse.body);
FlowStageUtils.describeRunAndCheckIsSuccessfulAndValid(bookRecipe, () => {
if (bookRecipe.isApproval()) {
itShouldHavePrepayment('', () => bookRecipe.p.getOutput().httpResponse.body);
itShouldHavePrepayment('', () => bookRecipe.b.getOutput().httpResponse.body);
* @param {string | null} expected
* @param {() => unknown} getOrder
function itShouldHavePrepayment(getOrder) {
it(`should return \`totalPaymentDue.openBookingPrepayment\` \`\``, () => {
const order = getOrder();
expect(order)'totalPaymentDue.openBookingPrepayment', expected);
When testing error scenarios, we would instead use FlowStageUtils.describeRunAndCheckIsValid(..)
on the Flow Stage Runnable which is expected to fail, which forgoes checking that the HTTP response is successful. Here's an example of that (note that this is NOT an extension of the previous example, but a snippet from a different hypothetical test):
FlowStageUtils.describeRunAndCheckIsValid(c2, () => {
itShouldReturnAnOpenBookingError('IncompleteBrokerDetailsError', 400, () => c2.getOutput().httpResponse);
This uses a helper function itShouldReturnAnOpenBookingError(..)
which checks that the HTTP response is an Open Booking Error with the expected @type
and statusCode
The above example is a simple test. But much more complex types of tests are supported by the framework. The best way to learn about these is to look at the existing tests. All the tests are in ./test/features
The code is written in native JS, but uses TypeScript to check for type errors. TypeScript uses JSDoc annotations to determine types (See: Type Checking JavaScript Files) from our native .js files.
Type checking is performed by running:
npx tsc
This is included in the test script so that this check is performed by CI.