- ADDED: Support 3.1 Min Version
BREAKING CHANGE: Remove support for EoL Ruby 2.7
ADDED: Remove support for EoL Ruby 2.7
- ADDED: Add dropped events/attributes/links counts to zipkin + jaeger exporters
- ADDED: Metrics reporter for Jaeger collector exporter
- ADDED: Support InstrumentationScope, and update OTLP proto to 0.18.0
- (No significant changes)
- DOCS: Fix exporter port in Jaeger exporter readme
- (No significant changes)
- DOCS: Update docs to rely more on environment variable configuration
BREAKING CHANGE: Total order constraint on span.status=
FIXED: Total order constraint on span.status=
BREAKING CHANGE: Replace Time.now with Process.clock_gettime
ADDED: Export to jaeger collectors w/ self-signed certs
FIXED: Replace Time.now with Process.clock_gettime
FIXED: Rename constant to hide warning message
FIXED: Index a link trace_id in middle rather than end
- ADDED: Add zipkin exporter
BREAKING CHANGE: Implement Exporter#force_flush
ADDED: Implement Exporter#force_flush
DOCS: Replace Gitter with GitHub Discussions
BREAKING CHANGE: Streamline processor pipeline
FIXED: Streamline processor pipeline
- (No significant changes)
- ADDED: Provide default resource in SDK
- ADDED: Add untraced wrapper to common utils
- FIXED: Jaeger ref type should be FOLLOWS_FROM
- ADDED: Structured error handling
- FIXED: Copyright comments to not reference year
- (No significant changes)
BREAKING CHANGE: Add timeout for force_flush and shutdown
ADDED: Add timeout for force_flush and shutdown
BREAKING CHANGE: Move context/span methods to Trace module
BREAKING CHANGE: Remove 'canonical' from status codes
BREAKING CHANGE: Assorted SpanContext fixes
FIXED: Move context/span methods to Trace module
FIXED: Remove 'canonical' from status codes
FIXED: Assorted SpanContext fixes
- ADDED: Add service_version setter to configurator
- FIXED: Update IL attribute naming convention to match spec
- DOCS: Standardize toplevel docs structure and readme
- DOCS: Use BatchSpanProcessor in examples
- This gem was renamed from