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This page contains descriptions of gofu commands and practical examples of how to use them. It aims to help you start cooking with gofu with little experience. If you have a use case not specified here, create a pull request and help us improve this documentation!

Start a process - gofu run

This command starts a new gofu-managed process, it will be created as a child process of gofu's daemon.

Usage: gofu run [FLAG ...] COMMAND [ARGUMENT ...]
      --directory string         set working directory for the process
  -e, --env stringArray          set an environment variable, usage: -e FOO=BAR -e HELLO=WORLD
      --env-file stringArray     read environment variables from a file, usage: --env-file default.env --env-file local.env
  -h, --help                     help for run
      --max-retries uint32       max number of restart tries
  -n, --name string              set the process name
  -r, --restart                  automatically restart a process when it exits
      --restart-delay duration   delay between automatic restarts
  -s, --save                     start the process on system startup
  -o, --output string            output format (text, json, or prettyjson) (default "text")
      --timeout duration         timeout for requests to the daemon (default 1m30s)

Start a process that will persist throughout system restarts

gofu run --save $COMMAND
gofu run -s $COMMAND

Start a process that will run forever

Note: You can set --restart-delay to 0, making the process restart without any delay when it exits. But beware of cases where the process can exit on its startup, making gofu's process manager spam the system with new processes.

gofu run --save --restart --restart-delay 1s --max-retries 0 $COMMAND
gofu run -s -r --restart-delay 1s --max-retries 0 $COMMAND

Start a process with arguments and/or flags

Note: Every flag after the -- will be passed to the process. If you want to pass regular arguments, you can just write them after the $COMMAND.

gofu run $COMMAND -- myargumentvalue --foo=bar -abc
gofu run $COMMAND myargumentvalue foo bar

Start a process with environment variables

gofu run -e FOO=BAR --env-file=/path/to/file.env $COMMAND

Start a Node.js process

gofu run node /absolute/path/index.js

List processes - gofu ps (gofu list)

This command lists all gofu-managed processes.

Usage: gofu ps   [FLAG ...] 
       gofu list [FLAG ...]
  -h, --help               help for ps
  -o, --output string      output format (text, json, or prettyjson) (default "text")
      --timeout duration   timeout for requests to the daemon (default 1m30s)

List processes as a JSON array

gofu ps -o prettyjson

Inspect a process - gofu inspect

This commands provides detailed information about a gofu-managed process.

Usage: gofu inspect [FLAG ...] {NAME|PID}
  -h, --help               help for inspect
  -o, --output string      output format (text, json, or prettyjson) (default "text")
      --timeout duration   timeout for requests to the daemon (default 1m30s)

Stop a process - gofu stop

This command stops a gofu-managed process.

Usage: gofu stop [FLAG ...] {NAME|PID}
  -h, --help               help for stop
  -o, --output string      output format (text, json, or prettyjson) (default "text")
      --timeout duration   timeout for requests to the daemon (default 1m30s)

Stop a process named '80s-anime-collection-backup'

gofu stop 80s-anime-collection-backup

Restart a process - gofu restart

This command restarts a gofu-managed process.

Usage: gofu restart [FLAG ...] {NAME|PID}
  -h, --help               help for restart
  -o, --output string      output format (text, json, or prettyjson) (default "text")
      --timeout duration   timeout for requests to the daemon (default 1m30s)

Remove a process - gofu rm (gofu remove)

Usage: gofu rm     [FLAG ...] {NAME|PID}
       gofu remove [FLAG ...] {NAME|PID}
  -h, --help               help for rm
  -o, --output string      output format (text, json, or prettyjson) (default "text")
      --timeout duration   timeout for requests to the daemon (default 1m30s)

Stop and remove a process without any prompts

gofu rm --force --always-yes $NAME
gofu rm -f -y $NAME

Update a process - gofu update

This command updates existing gofu-managed process with specified configuration properties.

Usage: gofu update [FLAG ...] {NAME|PID}
      --directory string         update the working directory of a process
  -h, --help                     help for update
      --max-retries uint32       update the max number of restart tries (default 1)
  -n, --name string              update the name of a process
  -r, --restart                  update whether a process should be automatically restarted (default true)
      --restart-delay duration   update the delay between automatic restarts
  -s, --save                     update whether a process should be started on system startup
  -o, --output string            output format (text, json, or prettyjson) (default "text")
      --timeout duration         timeout for requests to the daemon (default 1m30s)

Rename a process

gofu update --name $NEW_NAME $NAME
gofu update -n $NEW_NAME $NAME

Make existing process persist throughout system restarts

gofu update --save $NAME
gofu update -s $NAME