WalletConnect Swift SDK, implements 1.0.0 websocket based protocol.
Demo video:
- Connect and disconnect
- Approve / Reject / Kill session
- Approve and reject ethereum transactions
- Approve and reject binance dex orders
- Sign Transactions
(full documentation here)
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
WalletConnect is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'WalletConnect', git: 'git@github.com:trustwallet/wallet-connect-swift.git', branch: 'master'
parse session from scanned QR code:
let string = "wc:..."
guard let session = WCSession.from(string: string) else {
// invalid session
// handle session
configure and handle incoming message:
let interactor = WCInteractor(session: session, meta: clientMeta)
interactor.onSessionRequest = { [weak self] (id, peer) in
// ask for user consent
interactor.onDisconnect = { [weak self] (error) in
// handle disconnect
interactor.onEthSign = { [weak self] (id, params) in
// handle eth_sign and personal_sign
interactor.onEthSendTransaction = { [weak self] (id, transaction) in
// handle eth_sendTransaction
interactor.onBnbSign = { [weak self] (id, order) in
// handle bnb_sign
interactor.onTrustSignTransaction = { [weak self] (id, transaction) in
// handle trust_signTransaction
approve session
interactor.approveSession(accounts: accounts, chainId: chainId).done {
print("<== approveSession done")
approve request
interactor.approveRequest(id: id, result: result.hexString).done {
print("<== approveRequest done")
approve binance dex orders
interactor?.approveBnbOrder(id: id, signed: signed).done({ confirm in
print("<== approveBnbOrder", confirm)
WalletConnect is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.