Messages exchanged between the client and the server are JSON objects.
The protocol in general is based on the OBS Remote protocol created by Bill Hamilton, with new commands specific to OBS Studio.
Events are sent exclusively by the server and broadcast to each connected client.
An event message will contain at least one field :
- update-type (string) : the type of event
Additional fields will be present in the event message depending on the event type.
OBS is switching to another scene.
- scene-name (string) : The name of the scene being switched to.
The scene list has been modified (Scenes have been added, removed, or renamed).
A request to start streaming has been issued.
- preview-only (bool) : Always false.
Streaming started successfully.
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A request to stop streaming has been issued.
- preview-only (bool) : Always false.
Streaming stopped successfully.
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A request to start recording has been issued.
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Recording started successfully.
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A request to stop streaming has been issued.
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Recording stopped successfully.
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Sent every 2 seconds with the following information :
- streaming (bool) : Current Streaming state.
- recording (bool) : Current Recording state.
- preview-only (bool) : Always false.
- bytes-per-sec (integer) : Amount of data per second (in bytes) transmitted by the stream encoder.
- kbits-per-sec (integer) : "bytes-per-sec" converted to kilobits per second
- strain (double) : Percentage of dropped frames
- total-stream-time (integer) : Total time (in seconds) since the stream started.
- num-total-frames (integer) : Total number of frames transmitted since the stream started.
- num-dropped-frames (integer) : Number of frames dropped by the encoder since the stream started.
- fps (double) : Current framerate.
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OBS is exiting.
Requests are sent by the client and must have at least the following two fields :
- "request-type" (string) : One of the request types listed in the sub-section "Requests Types".
- "message-id" (string) : An identifier defined by the client which will be embedded in the server response.
Depending on the request type additional fields may be required (see the "Request Types" section below for more information).
Once a request is sent, the server will return a JSON response with the following fields :
- "message-id" (string) : The identifier specified in the request.
- "status" (string) : Response status, will be one of the following : "ok", "error"
- "error" (string) : The error message associated with an "error" status.
Depending on the request type additional fields may be present (see the "Request Types" section below for more information).
Returns the latest version of the plugin and the API.
Request fields : none
Response : always OK, with these additional fields :
- "version" (double) : OBSRemote API version. Fixed to 1.1 for retrocompatibility.
- "obs-websocket-version" (string) : obs-websocket version
Tells the client if authentication is required. If it is, authentication parameters "challenge" and "salt" are passed in the response fields (see "Authentication").
Request fields : none
Response : always OK, with these additional fields :
- "authRequired" (bool)
- "challenge" (string)
- "salt" (string)
Try to authenticate the client on the server.
Request fields :
- "auth" (string) : response to the auth challenge (see "Authentication").
Response : OK if auth succeeded, error if invalid credentials. No additional fields.
Get the current scene's name and items.
Request fields : none
Response : always OK, with these additional fields :
- "name" (string) : name of the current scene
- "sources" (array of objects) : ordered list of the current scene's items descriptions
Objects in the "sources" array have the following fields :
- "name" (string) : name of the source associated with the scene item
- "type" (string) : internal source type name
- "volume" (double) : audio volume of the source, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0
- "x" (double) : X coordinate of the top-left corner of the item in the scene
- "y" (double) : Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the item in the scene
- "cx" (double) : width of the item (with scale applied)
- "cy" (double) : height of the item (with scale applied)
Switch to the scene specified in "scene-name".
Request fields :
- "scene-name" (string) : name of the scene to switch to.
Response : always OK if scene exists, error if it doesn't. No additional fields
List OBS' scenes.
Request fields : none
Response : always OK, with these additional fields :
- "current-scene" (string) : name of the currently active scene
- "scenes" (array of objects) : ordered list of scene descriptions (see
for reference)
Show or hide a specific source in the current scene.
Request fields :
- "source" (string) : name of the source in the currently active scene.
- "render" (bool) : desired visibility
Response : OK if source exists in the current scene, error otherwise.
Toggle streaming on or off.
Request fields : none
Response : always OK. No additional fields.
Toggle recording on or off.
Request fields : none
Response : always OK. No additional fields.
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Get current streaming and recording status.
Request fields : none
Response : always OK, with these additional fields :
- "streaming" (bool) : streaming status (active or not)
- "recording" (bool) : recording status (active or not)
- "preview-only" (bool) : always false. Retrocompat with OBSRemote.
List all transitions available in the frontend's dropdown menu.
Request fields : none
Response : always OK, with these additional fields :
- "current-transition" (string) : name of the current transition
- "transitions" (array of objects) : list of transition descriptions
Objects in the "transitions" array have only one field :
- "name" (string) : name of the transition
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Get the name of the currently selected transition in the frontend's dropdown menu.
Request fields : none
Request : always OK, with these additional fields :
- "name" (string) : name of the selected transition
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Request fields :
- "transition-name" (string) : The name of the transition.
Response : OK if specified transition exists, error otherwise.
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A call to GetAuthRequired
gives the client two elements :
- A challenge : a random string that will be used to generate the auth response
- A salt : applied to the password when generating the auth response
The client knows a password and must it to authenticate itself to the server.
However, it must keep this password secret, and it is the purpose of the authentication mecanism used by obs-websocket.
After a call to GetAuthRequired
, the client knows a password (kept secret), a challenge and a salt (sent by the server).
To generate the answer to the auth challenge, follow this procedure :
- Concatenate the password with the salt sent by the server (in this order : password + server salt), then generate a binary SHA256 hash of the result and encode the resulting SHA256 binary hash to base64.
- Concatenate the base64 secret with the challenge sent by the server (in this order : base64 secret + server challenge), then generate a binary SHA256 hash of the result and encode it to base64.
- Voilà, this last base64 string is the auth response. You may now use it to authenticate to the server with the
Here's how it looks in pseudocode :
password = "supersecretpassword"
challenge = "ztTBnnuqrqaKDzRM3xcVdbYm"
salt = "PZVbYpvAnZut2SS6JNJytDm9"
secret_string = password + salt
secret_hash = binary_sha256(secret_string)
secret = base64_encode(secret_hash)
auth_response_string = secret + challenge
auth_response_hash = binary_sha256(auth_response_string)
auth_response = base64_encode(auth_response_hash)