This pages list some examples on scripts to help UUU to make some tasks automatically.
Copy the source code to the file
and execute the application executable file.
uuu_version 1.0.1
SDP: boot -f _flash.bin
# This command will be run when use SPL
SDPU: delay 1000
SDPU: write -f _flash.bin -offset 0x57c00
SDPU: jump
SDPU: done
uuu_version 1.0.1
SDP: boot -f _flash.bin
# This command will be run when use SPL
SDPU: delay 1000
SDPU: write -f _flash.bin -offset 0x57c00
SDPU: jump
# This command will be run when ROM support stream mode
SDPS: boot -f _flash.bin
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc
FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev ${emmc_dev}
FB: ucmd mmc dev ${emmc_dev}
FB: flash bootloader _flash.bin
FB: ucmd mmc partconf ${emmc_dev} 0 1 0
FB: Done
uuu_version 1.0.1
SDP: boot -f _flash.bin
# This command will be run when use SPL
SDPU: delay 1000
SDPU: write -f _flash.bin -offset 0x57c00
SDPU: jump
# This command will be run when ROM support stream mode
SDPS: boot -f _flash.bin
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc
FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev ${emmc_dev}
FB: ucmd mmc dev ${emmc_dev}
FB: flash gpt partition-table.img
FB: flash boot_a boot-imx8qxp.img
FB: flash system_a system.img
FB: flash vendor_a vendor.img
FB: flash vbmeta_a vbmeta-imx8qxp.img
#FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer ${loadaddr}
#FB: download -f u-boot-imx8qxp.imx
#FB: ucmd setexpr fastboot_blk ${fastboot_bytes}
#FB: ucmd setexpr fastboot_blk ${fastboot_blk} + 0x1FF
#FB: ucmd setexpr fastboot_blk ${fastboot_blk} / 0x200
#FB: ucmd mmc partconf ${emmc_dev} 1 1 1
#FB: ucmd echo ${fastboot_buffer}
#FB: ucmd echo ${fastboot_blk}
#FB: ucmd mmc write ${fastboot_buffer} 0x40 ${fastboot_blk}
FB: flash bootloader u-boot-imx8qxp.imx
FB: ucmd mmc partconf ${emmc_dev} 0 1 0
FB: Done
uuu_version 1.0.1
SDP: boot -f _flash.bin
# This command will be run when use SPL
SDPU: write -f _flash.bin -offset 0x57c00
SDPU: jump
# This command will be run when ROM support stream mode
SDPS: boot -f _flash.bin
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer ${loadaddr}
FB: download -f _Image
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer ${fdt_addr}
FB: download -f _board.dtb
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer ${initrd_addr}
FB: download -f _initramfs.cpio.gz.uboot
FB: ucmd setenv mfgtool_args ${mfgtool_args} mfg_mmcdev=${emmc_dev}
FB: ucmd run mfgtool_args
FB: acmd booti ${loadaddr} ${initrd_addr} ${fdt_addr}
# get mmc dev number from kernel command line
FBK: ucmd cmdline=`cat /proc/cmdline`;cmdline=${cmdline#*mfg_mmcdev=};cmds=($cmdline);echo ${cmds[0]}>/tmp/mmcdev
# Wait for mmc
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; while [ ! -e /dev/mmcblk${mmc} ]; do sleep 1; echo "wait for /dev/mmcblk${mmc} appear"; done;
# create partition
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; PARTSTR=$'10M,500M,0c\n600M,,83\n'; echo "$PARTSTR" | sfdisk --force /dev/mmcblk${mmc}
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk${mmc} bs=1k seek=4096 count=1
FBK: ucmd sync
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk${mmc}boot0/force_ro
FBK: ucp _flash.bin t:/tmp
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; dd if=/tmp/_flash.bin of=/dev/mmc${mmc}boot0 bs=1K seek=32
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk${mmc}boot0/force_ro
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; while [ ! -e /dev/mmcblk${mmc}p1 ]; do sleep 1; done
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk${mmc}p1
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; mkdir -p /mnt/fat
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk${mmc}p1 /mnt/fat
FBK: ucp _Image t:/mnt/fat
FBK: ucp _board.dtb t:/mnt/fat
FBK: ucmd umount /mnt/fat
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; mkfs.ext3 -F -E nodiscard /dev/mmcblk${mmc}p2
FBK: ucmd mkdir -p /mnt/ext3
FBK: ucmd mmc=`cat /tmp/mmcdev`; mount /dev/mmcblk${mmc}p2 /mnt/ext3
FBK: acmd tar -jxv -C /mnt/ext3
FBK: ucp _rootfs.tar.bz2 t:-
FBK: Sync
FBK: ucmd umount /mnt/ext3
uuu_version 1.0.1
# Please replace below item with actual name
# @_flash.bin | boot loader
# @_Image | linux kernel image, zImage for arm32, Image for arm64
# @_board.dtb | board dtb file
# @_initramfs.cpio.gz.uboot | initramfs
# @_nfspath | rootfs path without ip address, ip address will auto detect
SDP: boot -f _flash.bin
# This command will be run when use SPL
SDPU: write -f _flash.bin -offset 0x57c00
SDPU: jump
# This command will be run when ROM support stream mode
SDPS: boot -f _flash.bin
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer ${loadaddr}
FB: download -f _Image
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer ${fdt_addr}
FB: download -f _board.dtb
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_buffer ${initrd_addr}
FB: download -f _initramfs.cpio.gz.uboot
FB: ucmd setenv nfsroot _nfspath
FB: ucmd setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} nfsroot=${nfsroot} init=/linuxrc root=/dev/nfs
#uncomment below line to stop at initramfs
#FB: ucmd setenv bootargs console=${console},${baudrate} nfsroot=${nfsroot}
FB: acmd ${kboot} ${loadaddr} ${initrd_addr} ${fdt_addr}
FB: done