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Chris Maddock edited this page Mar 11, 2016 · 5 revisions

The Assert.ThrowsAsync is the async equivalent to Assert.Throws for asynchronous code. See Assert.Throws for more information.

Exception Assert.ThrowsAsync( Type expectedExceptionType, AsyncTestDelegate code );
Exception Assert.ThrowsAsync( Type expectedExceptionType, AsyncTestDelegate code, 
                         string message, params object[] parms);

Exception Assert.ThrowsAsync( IResolveConstraint constraint, AsyncTestDelegate code );
Exception Assert.ThrowsAsync( IResolveConstraint constraint, AsyncTestDelegate code, 
                         string message, params object[] parms);

TActual Assert.ThrowsAsync<TActual>( AsyncTestDelegate code );
TActual Assert.ThrowsAsync<TActual>( AsyncTestDelegate code, 
                  string message, params object[] parms);

In the above code AsyncTestDelegate is a delegate of the form Task AsyncTestDelegate(), which is used to execute the code in question. This will likely be a lambda expression.

The following example shows the most common way of writing tests.

public class AssertThrowsTests
  public void Tests()
    // Using a method as a delegate
    Assert.ThrowsAsync<ArgumentException>(async () => await MethodThatThrows());
  async Task MethodThatThrows()
    await Task.Delay(100);
    throw new ArgumentException();

This example shows use of the return value to perform additional verification of the exception. Note that you do not need to await the result.

public class UsingReturnValue
  public async Task TestException()
    MyException ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync<MyException>(async () => await MethodThatThrows());

    Assert.That( ex.Message, Is.EqualTo( "message" ) );
    Assert.That( ex.MyParam, Is.EqualTo( 42 ) ); 

See also...

* Assert.Catch * Assert.CatchAsync * Assert.Throws * ThrowsConstraint
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