TODO: neofs-adm, neogo, neofs-contract
source activate
- remove
serial: 1
from playbooks (plays/service/neofs.yml
Edit config.yaml or generate a new one with neofs-adm:
#neofs-adm config init --path inventory/configuration/config.yaml
mkdir inventory/configuration/alphabet
neofs-adm -c inventory/configuration/config.yaml morph generate-alphabet --size 4
for a in inventory/configuration/wallets/alphabet/node*.json; do
echo " - $(neogo wallet dump-keys -w $a | head -2 | tail -1)" >> inventory/group_vars/neofs_ir/morph.yml
ansible-playbook -D playbooks/neofs_ir.yml
neofs-adm morph -c inventory/configuration/config.yaml init --contracts tmp/neofs-contract-v0.17.0
Optional, check it:
neofs-adm morph -c inventory/configuration/config.yaml dump-hashes
neofs-adm morph -c inventory/configuration/config.yaml set-policy ExecFeeFactor=1 StoragePrice=1 FeePerByte=1
Optional, check it:
hash=`curl -sd '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getcontractstate", "params": [-7] }' $RPC | jq -r '.result.hash'`
for a in getExecFeeFactor getStoragePrice getFeePerByte; do
neogo contract testinvokefunction -r $RPC $hash $a | jq '.stack[0].value'
Three 1
should be returned.
for a in node{1..4}; do
neofs-adm morph -c inventory/configuration/config.yaml generate-storage-wallet --storage-wallet inventory/configuration/wallets/storage/${a}.json --initial-gas 5.0 --alphabet-wallets inventory/configuration/alphabet --label empty
ansible-playbook -D playbooks/neofs_storage.yml
neogo wallet init -a -w inventory/configuration/client-wallet.json
neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint $RPC -w inventory/configuration/client-wallet.json container create --policy 'REP 1 CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM *' --basic-acl 0x0FFFFFFF --await
neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint $RPC -w inventory/configuration/client-wallet.json container create --policy 'REP 2 CBF 2 SELECT 4 FROM *' --basic-acl 0x0FFFFFFF --await
neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint $RPC -w inventory/configuration/client-wallet.json object put --cid <CID> --file /etc/issue
neofs-cli --rpc-endpoint $RPC -w inventory/configuration/client-wallet.json object get --cid <CID> --oid <OID>
for a in inventory/configuration/wallets/http/node{1..4}.json; do neogo wallet init -a -w $a; done
ansible-playbook -D plays/service/neofs_http_gw.yml
for a in inventory/configuration/wallets/s3/node{1..4}.json; do neogo wallet init -a -w $a; done
for a in inventory/configuration/wallets/s3/node{1..4}.json; do
neogo wallet dump-keys -w $a | head -2 | tail -1
fill neofs_s3__public_key
in inventory/host_vars/*/neofs_s3_gate.yml
with output values
ansible-playbook -D plays/service/neofs_s3_gw.yml
git restore plays/service/neofs.yml plays/service/neofs_s3_gw.yml
ansible-playbook -D plays/site_neofs.yml
no changes should be logged
neofs-adm morph force-new-epoch -c inventory/configuration/config.yaml