- Add argument solar_time solar_time = if(grepl("aircraft", categories)) FALSE else TRUE
- Update vignettes and add one aobut parallel hysplit
- Change name Obspoack to Observations
Add functions to configure hysplit
- obs_hysplit_control
- obs_hysplit_setup
- obs_hysplit_ascdata
- Add obs_read_nc_att to read global attributes
- Add stop when missing arguments in obs_info2id
- Fix obs_footname when inout time components instead of POSICxt.
- Started adding some legacy code. This means that rtorf can be upgraded to 1.0.0 and adding newer legacy code will be 1.0.x.
- Add articles for each dataid, running examples in
, articles invignettes
- remove
argument to obs_read_nc to avoid reading all columns by default - add
logical argument to add global attributes from NetCDF or not to data.table. Default isF
- Started adding vignettes/articles by dataid
- Add cols argument to obs_read_nc to avoid reading all columns by default
- reformatted obs_table to read df from obs_read
- obs_read now read intake_height, site_longitude and site_latitude
obs_addstime return a POSIXct vector, (fix #6 )
- order summary index by name (obs_summary)
- Rename robspack to rtorf.
- Prepare to submit to JOSS and https://github.com/noaa-gml.
- Adding solar time in NetCDF.
- Adding support for NetCDF.
- obs_index detect file extension
- rename package to
- rename obs_write to obs_write_csvy
- add rscripts in GitHub repo
- add obs_table, to summarize ObsPack
- add obs_format to format data
- add obs_plot
- Change method to plot invfiles, based on obs_plot
- Rename obs_index to obs_summary
- Deprecate some functions
- add obs_meta, which creates a data.table based on metadata
- Reverse obs_footname, from obs_trunc to sprintf
- add round (x, 4) into lat lon obs_footname to match receptors.
- Adding institution and Scale into obs_invfiles
- add by lab_1_abbr, dataset_calibration_scale into obs_add, assuming site_code matches scale and lab_1
- add obs_footname
- add obs_invfiles.
- add dataset_calibration_scale into obs_read
- Prepare submission to JOSS
- obs_index now does not write temporal file for index, when out argument is missing.
- add function obs_trunc and used inside obs_find_receptors
- rename write_meta to obs_write
- obs_find_receptors: change
sprintf(lon, fmt = '%7.4f') to sprintf(lon, fmt = '%07.4f') to formatC(lon, digits = 4, width = 8, format = "f", flag = "0")
- Add obs_find_receptors
- Add write_meta which generates a CSVY file
- add obs_addltime to return a data.table with local time columns
- changed all functions to obs_*
- add obs_agg to aggregate columns by time interval
- imported lubridate to calculate decimal date
- obs_agg also add some character vars
- add addtime_obs into read_obs
- add option into addtime_obs to find intervals time data into desired frequency eg. 20, using coumn 20
- Add name of file as variable in read_obs
- add option in addtime_obs to aggregate numeric by mean
- add variable n into index and read_obs
- add verbose to avoid mistakes in read_obs
- add add_zero, c(1, 10) -> c("01", "10")
- addtime_obs add column dif_time (end - start)
- Create robspackfilter