restructuring + added [Elementary Geometry]
restructuring + added [Elementary Geometry]
removed amsthm (fixed spacing of envs)
removed amsthm (fixed spacing of envs)
expanded Adeles + fixed some general issues
expanded Adeles + fixed some general issues
some updates (abstract Wiener spaces, optimal transport, ...)
some updates (abstract Wiener spaces, optimal transport, ...)
restructuring, corrections and additions (e.g. Koopman-von Neumann)
restructuring, corrections and additions (e.g. Koopman-von Neumann)
added Chapter Computer Science + added chapter in header
added Chapter Computer Science + added chapter in header
many improvements and additions + added chapter tocs
many improvements and additions + added chapter tocs
multiple additions and improvements
multiple additions and improvements
updated groups and Galois theory
updated groups and Galois theory
minor fixes + added integration algebras
minor fixes + added integration algebras