+ Synthetic Module Records
+ A Synthetic Module Record is used to represent information about a module that is defined by specifications. Its exported names are statically defined at creation, while their corresponding values can change over time using SetSyntheticModuleExport. It has no imports or dependencies.
+ A Synthetic Module Record could be used for defining a variety of module types: for example, JSON modules or CSS modules.
+ In addition to the fields defined in Synthetic Module Records have the additional fields listed in .
+ Field Name |
+ Value Type |
+ Meaning |
+ [[ExportNames]] |
+ a List of Strings |
+ The names of the exports of the module. This list does not contain duplicates. |
+ [[EvaluationSteps]] |
+ an Abstract Closure |
+ The initialization logic to perform upon evaluation of the module, taking the Synthetic Module Record as its sole argument. It must not modify [[ExportNames]]. It may return an abrupt completion. |
+ CreateDefaultExportSyntheticModule (
+ _defaultExport_: an ECMAScript language value,
+ ): a Synthetic Module Record
+ 1. Let _realm_ be the current Realm Record.
+ 1. Let _setDefaultExport_ be a new Abstract Closure with parameters (_module_) that captures _defaultExport_ and performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Perform SetSyntheticModuleExport(_module_, *"default"*, _defaultExport_).
+ 1. Return NormalCompletion(~unused~).
+ 1. Return the Synthetic Module Record { [[Realm]]: _realm_, [[Environment]]: ~empty~, [[Namespace]]: ~empty~, [[HostDefined]]: *undefined*, [[ExportNames]]: « *"default"* », [[EvaluationSteps]]: _setDefaultExport_ }.
+ ParseJSONModule (
+ _source_: a String,
+ ): either a normal completion containing a Synthetic Module Record, or a throw completion
+ 1. Let _json_ be ? Call(%JSON.parse%, *undefined*, « _source_ »).
+ 1. Return CreateDefaultExportSyntheticModule(_json_).
+ SetSyntheticModuleExport (
+ _module_: a Synthetic Module Record,
+ _exportName_: a String,
+ _exportValue_: an ECMAScript language value,
+ ): ~unused~
+ 1. Assert: _module_.[[ExportNames]] contains _exportName_.
+ 1. Let _envRec_ be _module_.[[Environment]].
+ 1. Assert: _envRec_ is not ~empty~.
+ 1. Perform _envRec_.SetMutableBinding(_exportName_, _exportValue_, *true*).
+ 1. Return ~unused~.
+ Implementation of Module Record Abstract Methods
+ The following are the concrete methods for Synthetic Module Record that implement the corresponding Module Record abstract methods defined in .
+ LoadRequestedModules ( ): a Promise
+ 1. Return ! PromiseResolve(%Promise%, *undefined*).
+ Synthetic Module Records have no dependencies.
+ GetExportedNames ( ): a List of Strings
+ 1. Return _module_.[[ExportNames]].
+ ResolveExport (
+ _exportName_: a String,
+ ): a ResolvedBinding Record or *null*
+ 1. If _module_.[[ExportNames]] does not contain _exportName_, return *null*.
+ 1. Return ResolvedBinding Record { [[Module]]: _module_, [[BindingName]]: _exportName_ }.
+ Link ( ): a normal completion containing ~unused~
+ 1. Let _realm_ be _module_.[[Realm]].
+ 1. Let _env_ be NewModuleEnvironment(_realm_.[[GlobalEnv]]).
+ 1. Set _module_.[[Environment]] to _env_.
+ 1. For each String _exportName_ of _module_.[[ExportNames]], do
+ 1. Perform ! _env_.CreateMutableBinding(_exportName_, *false*).
+ 1. Perform ! _env_.InitializeBinding(_exportName_, *undefined*).
+ 1. Return NormalCompletion(~unused~).
+ Evaluate ( ): a Promise
+ 1. Let _moduleContext_ be a new ECMAScript code execution context.
+ 1. Set the Function of _moduleContext_ to *null*.
+ 1. Set the Realm of _moduleContext_ to _module_.[[Realm]].
+ 1. Set the ScriptOrModule of _moduleContext_ to _module_.
+ 1. Set the VariableEnvironment of _moduleContext_ to _module_.[[Environment]].
+ 1. Set the LexicalEnvironment of _moduleContext_ to _module_.[[Environment]].
+ 1. Suspend the running execution context.
+ 1. Push _moduleContext_ onto the execution context stack; _moduleContext_ is now the running execution context.
+ 1. Let _steps_ be _module_.[[EvaluationSteps]].
+ 1. Let _result_ be Completion(_steps_(_module_)).
+ 1. Suspend _moduleContext_ and remove it from the execution context stack.
+ 1. Resume the context that is now on the top of the execution context stack as the running execution context.
+ 1. Let _pc_ be ! NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
+ 1. IfAbruptRejectPromise(_result_, _pc_).
+ 1. Perform ! Call(_pc_.[[Resolve]], *undefined*, « *undefined* »).
+ 1. Return _pc_.[[Promise]].
GetImportedModule (
@@ -28582,12 +28768,19 @@
and it performs FinishLoadingImportedModule(_referrer_, _moduleRequest_, _payload_, _result_) where _result_ is a normal completion, then it must perform FinishLoadingImportedModule(_referrer_, _moduleRequest_, _payload_, _result_) with the same _result_ each time.
+ If _moduleRequest_.[[Attributes]] has an entry _entry_ such that _entry_.[[Key]] is *"type"* and _entry_.[[Value]] is *"json"*, when the host environment performs FinishLoadingImportedModule(_referrer_, _moduleRequest_, _payload_, _result_), _result_ must either be the Completion Record returned by an invocation of ParseJSONModule or a throw completion.
The operation must treat _payload_ as an opaque value to be passed through to FinishLoadingImportedModule.
The actual process performed is host-defined, but typically consists of performing whatever I/O operations are necessary to load the appropriate Module Record. Multiple different (_referrer_, _moduleRequest_.[[Specifier]], _moduleRequest_.[[Attributes]]) triples may map to the same Module Record instance. The actual mapping semantics is host-defined but typically a normalization process is applied to _specifier_ as part of the mapping process. A typical normalization process would include actions such as expansion of relative and abbreviated path specifiers.
+ The above text requires that hosts support JSON modules when imported with `type: "json"` (and HostLoadImportedModule completes normally), but it does not prohibit hosts from supporting JSON modules when imported without `type: "json"`.