ROS Noetic package for interacting with the OpenManipulator-X Gazebo simulation. Mainly used as a helping tool for developing a low-level MATLAB robotic manipulation system based on the OpenManipulator-X robot.
- Install Ubuntu >= 20.04
- Install ROS Noetic
- Install OpenManipulator-X ROS packages (select Noetic version)
- Clone this repository into the ROS Noetic workspace
directory - Run
catkin_make install
from the ROS Noetic workspace
- Open a new terminal and navigate to your ROS Noetic workspace
- Run
source devel/setup.bash
from the ROS Noetic workspace (this must be repeated whenever opening a new terminal, could add to~/.bashrc
for convenience) - Launch Gazebo:
roslaunch open_manipulator_gazebo open_manipulator_gazebo.launch
- Start Gazebo using the play button (see docs for more info)
- Run a ROS node from this (
) package, for example:rosrun open_manipulator_tenaci
should be replaced with the desired ROS node
- Add a new ROS node to
- Add a
clause toCMakeLists.txt
- Run
catkin_make install
from the ROS Noetic workspace (this must only be run once for Python nodes and after every change for C++ nodes) - The new ROS node is now ready to use
- Publishes static angles in radians for each of the 5 servos to the relevant Gazebo topics. Also prints the corresponding tool pose using forward kinematics. Changing the published angles requires modifying the source code.
- Publishes joint angles corresponding to a static pose. Uses analytical inverse kinematics. Also prints the corresponding tool pose using forward kinematics. Changing the pose requires modifying the source code.
- Follows a static sequence of waypoints. Changing the waypoints requires changing the source code.
- Follows a static sequence of waypoints by first converting them into set points using cubic task space trajectories. Changing the waypoints requires changing the source code.