More up to date versions of most of these materials exist from 2020.
This repository contains my course materials for various workshops on phylogenetic comparative methods, R etc.
Feel free to use and share!
Methods in Macroecology and Macroevolution module. Imperial and NHM MSc module. The link to the online course book is here. The materials for the course book can be found in this repo [].
GLMs in R workshop. BES Aquatic SIG (with David Orme).
PGLS in R practical. UCL MSc Tools module.
- 2016 Visualising phylogenies in R practical. NERC London DTP students.
Note this repo used to contain a number of older practicals, however I have updated several of these.
- 2010-2012. AnthroTree PGLS workshop materials can now be found here, or as part of the Methods in Macroecology and Macroevolution module handouts here.
- Linnaean Society Radiations in Deep Time workshop on Macroevolutionary models can now be found as part of the Methods in Macroecology and Macroevolution module here for continuous traits and here for discrete traits. Part 2 was written mostly by Graham Slater.