Releases: ngxtension/ngxtension-platform
Releases · ngxtension/ngxtension-platform
Release 1.10.2
1.10.2 (2024-01-22)
Bug Fixes
- add dependency ts-morph for Signals Input migrator (#237) (b3a93e5)
- connect: update literal object values correctly for non-literal object values (#234) (f4d2c19)
- add docs for signal inputs migration (#233) (1d442ba)
- add rainerhahnekamp as a contributor for code (#238) (200a8d5)
Release 1.10.1
1.10.1 (2024-01-20)
Bug Fixes
- correct export for toObservableSignal feature (#231) (83cb2ab)
Release 1.10.0
1.10.0 (2024-01-20)
- NgxSvgSprite: align provideSvgSprites sections with implementation (#226) (28020f6)
Release 1.9.9
1.9.9 (2024-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- plugin: update ts references with awareness of ternaries and if block (89e431e)
Release 1.9.8
1.9.8 (2024-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- plugin: ensure to keep jsdoc with properties (cc8731f)
Release 1.9.7
1.9.7 (2024-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- plugin: input.required parameter should be the option object if exist (dbb7cf4)
Release 1.9.6
1.9.6 (2024-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- add more dumb input usages for testing (#224) (2cec792)
- connect: handle null when performing typeof object (#223) (b542fdf)
- plugin: update references (d88e260)
Release 1.9.5
1.9.5 (2024-01-11)
Bug Fixes
- plugin: get all projects if project nor path is passed in (34293d1)
Release 1.9.4
1.9.4 (2024-01-11)
Bug Fixes
- plugin: ensure to track withTransforms regardless of typenode exists or not (b512f1f)
Release 1.9.3
1.9.3 (2024-01-11)
Bug Fixes
- plugin: make sure all classes in a file is processed (4a687a5)