Don’t hesitate to ask for help if features aren’t conflating how you expect them to or if you’re experiencing difficulty while installing the software. We officially support installing RPMs to CentOS and launching CentOS virtual machines via Vagrant/VirtualBox. For anything else you need to do we’ll do our best to help you out, but there are no guarantees. If you have any support questions, please create an issue in this repository.
As there are lot of different data scenarios out in the wild, there is no one-size fits all conflation workflow or algorithm. Hootenanny attempts to provide a useful set of conflation workflows with pre-configured options that capture most conflation requirements. However, you may require a new conflation scenario for your purposes (let us know), or you may need to custom modify configuration options for an existing scenario in order to get the best results.
Also, the availability of new software features to the user interface may lag their initial availability from the command line interface (CLI) by one or more development cycles. If you find a conflation feature you wish to use that is mentioned in the CLI documentation but is not present within the UI, let us know.