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Nextstrain CLI and AWS

Running Nextstrain builds on AWS Batch

The Nextstrain CLI supports launching pathogen builds on AWS Batch from your own computer. No local computational infrastructure is required when running on AWS Batch, and jobs have access to computers with very large CPU and memory allocations if necessary. Some configuration of Batch in your AWS account is required, but only as an initial, one-time step. See below for details.

Launching Nextstrain builds on Batch from your computer is done using the --aws-batch flag to nextstrain build, for example:

nextstrain build --aws-batch zika-tutorial/

This uploads the zika-tutorial/ directory to S3, submits the Batch job, monitors the job status, streams the job logs to your terminal, and downloads build results back to the zika-tutorial/ directory.

The interface aims to be very similar to that of local builds (run in the Docker, Conda, Singularity, or ambient runtimes), so the nextstrain build command stays in the foreground and result files are written back directly to the local build directory. Alternatively, you can specify the --detach option to run AWS Batch builds in the background once they're submitted. The Nextstrain CLI will tell you how to reattach to the build later to view the logs and download the results. If you forget to use the --detach option, you can press Control-Z to detach at any point once the build is submitted.

Using and requesting resources

By default, each AWS Batch job will have available to it the number of vCPUs and amount of memory configured in your job definition. To take full advantage of multiple CPUs available, Snakemake's --jobs (or -j) option should generally be matched to the configured number of vCPUs. Using nextstrain build's --cpus and --memory options will both scale the Batch instance size and inform Snakemake's resource scheduler for you.

The resources configured in the job definition can be overridden on a per-build basis using the --cpus and/or --memory options, for example:

nextstrain build --aws-batch --cpus=8 --memory=14gib zika-tutorial/

Alternatively, default resource overrides can be set via the ~/.nextstrain/config file:

cpus = ...
memory = ...


When using config or environment variables, however, note that Snakemake's resource scheduler will not be automatically informed. This means you should include --jobs=… yourself (and possibly --resources=mem_mb=…) as an extra argument to Snakemake.

Note that requesting more CPUs or memory than available in a compute environment will result in a job that is queued but is never started.

If requesting c5 instances the following amounts of CPU and memory are available within the container:

instance type vCPUs memory
c5-xlarge 4 7400
c5-2xlarge 8 15200
c5-4xlarge 16 31000

Refer to Compute Resource Memory Management in the AWS Batch User Guide for more detailed information on container memory.

Configuration on your computer

AWS credentials

Your computer must be configured with credentials to access AWS.

Credentials can be provided via the standard AWS environment variables

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...

or in the ~/.aws/credentials file


The credentials file is useful because it does not require you to export the environment variables in every terminal where you want to use AWS.

AWS region

If you plan to use an AWS region other than us-east-1, then you'll want to set your selected region as a default, either via the environment


or in the ~/.aws/config file


Again, the latter option is useful because it does not require you to remember to export the environment variable.

Nextstrain CLI configuration

The Nextstrain CLI's AWS Batch support must be told, at a minimum, the name of your S3 bucket (which you'll create below).

You can do this by putting your bucket name in an environment variable


or in the ~/.nextstrain/config file

s3-bucket = ...

or passing the --aws-batch-s3-bucket=... option to nextstrain build.

Setting up AWS to run Nextstrain builds

The rest of this document describes the one-time AWS configuration necessary to run Nextstrain builds on AWS Batch. It assumes you have an existing AWS account and are familiar with the AWS web console. You'll need to be the AWS account owner or their delegated administrator to complete these setup tasks.

You do not need to read this document if you're using someone else's AWS account and they have already set it up for you to support Nextstrain jobs.


Create a new private bucket with a name of your choosing in the S3 web console. This document will use the name nextstrain-jobs, but you will have to choose something else. (S3 bucket names must be globally unique.)

You may set any bucket options you want, but the bucket should be private and inaccessible to the public (which is the default).

Note that the Nextstrain CLI will not remove what it uploaded to the bucket after each run. You must add a lifecycle retention policy to the bucket which expires (deletes) objects 30 days after creation so that you don't continue to pay for their storage. You may use a shorter (or longer) lifetime, but Amazon's prorated billing uses a minimum duration of one month.


The easiest place to create the necessary policies, role, and group is the IAM web console.


Create three policies using the policy documents below. You can paste these into the JSON editor in the web console.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/NextstrainJobsRole"

You must replace nextstrain-jobs in the policy document below with your own S3 bucket name.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [


A role is required to allow the Batch jobs to access S3. The code running inside of each job will have access to this role (via the EC2 instance metadata) to talk to AWS services.

When creating the role in the web console, choose AWS service as the type of trusted entity, the Elastic Container Service as the specific trusted service, and the Elastic Container Service Task as the use case. Attach the NextstrainJobsAccessToBucket policy you created above. Finally, give the role a name and description of your choosing. This document assumes the role name is NextstrainJobsRole.

Most AWS libraries and utilities (e.g. the aws command) will automatically use the instance role by default unless you've customized the credential provider. Note that if you have AWS credentials set in environment variables on the local computer when running nextstrain build --aws-batch, then those will be passed into the job, where they'll be used instead of the role by most libraries and utilities. If this is undesirable, you can unset the environment variables when launching builds or provision your local credentials via the standard files instead of environment variables.


If your AWS account will be used by other people to run jobs, you should create an IAM group to give those users the necessary permissions.

Create a group with a name of your choosing and attach to it all three policies you created above. Any users you add to this group will be able to use their own credentials to launch Nextstrain jobs.


If you're not familiar with AWS Batch, first familiarize yourself with what it is, and then use the getting started guide and AWS Batch wizard to setup the job definition, compute environment, and job queue described below.

Job definition

Create a new job definition with the name nextstrain-job. If you use a different name, you'll need to use the --aws-batch-job option to nextstrain build, set the NEXTSTRAIN_AWS_BATCH_JOB environment variable, or set job in the [aws-batch] section of ~/.nextstrain/config.

Choose the job role NextstrainJobsRole, which you just created in the IAM roles section above.

Specify the container image nextstrain/base:latest and an empty command. (In the wizard, delete the pre-filled command, leaving the JSON result as an empty array ([]).)

Select the number of desired vCPUs and amount of memory you'd like each Nextstrain build job to have access to.

Set the retry attempts to 1 and the execution timeout to 14400 seconds (4 hours). The timeout ensures that broken, never-ending jobs will be terminated after 4 hours instead of racking up EC2 costs. Adjust it if necessary for your builds.

No job parameters or job environment variables are required.

Compute environment

Create a managed compute environment with a name of your choosing.

Adjust the compute resources to meet your build requirements, taking into account the intensity of your builds and the number of concurrent builds you expect to run. The wizard defaults are a reasonable starting point, and you can adjust many of the resources at a later time.

Make sure to set the minimum number of vCPUs to 0 so that you won't incur EC2 costs when no jobs are running.

Job queue

Create a job queue named nextstrain-job-queue. If you use a different name, you'll need to use the --aws-batch-queue option to nextstrain build, set the NEXTSTRAIN_AWS_BATCH_QUEUE environment variable, or set queue in the [aws-batch] section of ~/.nextstrain/config.

If you're not using the wizard, make sure you connect the job queue to the compute environment you created above.

CloudWatch Logs

AWS Batch jobs automatically send the output of each job to individual log streams in the /aws/batch/job log group. This log group won't exist until you run your first Batch job, but you can create it yourself before then.

Note that the Nextstrain CLI will not remove the job's log stream after each run. You must adjust the log retention policy for the /aws/batch/job log group to expire log events after 30 days so that you don't continue to pay for their storage. You may use a shorter (or longer) lifetime, but Amazon's prorated billing uses a minimum duration of one month.

Disk space for your jobs

The following applies to Batch compute environments using Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) ECS-optimized AMIs, which is the default for new compute environments. If you're using older compute environments with Amazon Linux 1 (AL1) AMIs, either upgrade or see previous versions of this document. If you're using custom AMIs, you can probably find your own way.

By default, your Batch jobs will have access to ~28 GiB of shared space. This is enough for many Nextstrain builds, but the SARS-CoV-2 build is the notable exception. Your own builds may require more disk space as well.

Configuring more space requires a little bit of setup. It also helps to understand that Batch uses ECS to run containers on clusters of EC2 servers.

Each EC2 instance in an ECS cluster has, by default, a single 30 GiB root volume which is shared by all the containers/jobs running on that instance. The default size of this volume is set by the AWS-managed ECS-optimized machine images (AMIs) used by Batch. The operating system and base software is on the same volume, so usable space for your containers/job is slightly less, around 28 GiB.

There are several approaches to give your Batch jobs more disk, but the simplest is to increase the size of the root volume using a custom EC2 launch template that you associate with a new Batch compute environment.

It's quickest to create the launch template using the AWS Console, although you can also do it on the command-line.

First, add to the launch template an EBS storage volume with the device name /dev/xvda, volume size you want (e.g. 200 GiB), and a volume type of gp3. Make sure that the volume is marked for deletion on instance termination, or you'll end up paying for old volumes indefinitely! This sets the size of the shared volume available to all containers on a single EC2 instance.

Next, under the "Advanced details" section, make sure that "EBS-optimized instance" is enabled.

Create the launch template and note its id or name.

Finally, create a new Batch compute environment that uses your launch template and associate that new compute environment with your Batch job queue. Note that you'll need to create a new compute environment even if your existing compute environment is set to use the $Latest version of an existing launch template you modified as above. Compute environments set to use the $Latest version of a launch template are frozen to the latest template version that exists at the time the environment was created, per AWS Batch documentation. For this reason, it's recommended to use an explicit version number instead of $Latest so that you can easily see what version a compute environment is using (instead of having to correlate compute environment and launch template version creation times).

To check if it worked, create an empty directory on your computer, make a Snakefile containing the rule below, and run it on AWS Batch using the Nextstrain CLI:

rule df:
    shell: "/bin/df -h /"

If all goes well, you should see that the container has access to more space!

Alternative: NVMe SSD instance storage

Some EC2 instance families, such as c5d, provide host-local NVMe SSD instance storage devices for a moderate increased cost. These may be faster and/or cheaper for your latency, throughput, and IOPS needs.

If you intend to use such instances for your Batch jobs, you'll need to add the following user data blob to your launch template to configure them:

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="==BOUNDARY=="
MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/cloud-boothook; charset="us-ascii"

# Use the local NVMe instance storage devices for Docker images and containers.
set -euo pipefail -x

# Only run this whole script once.
if [[ "${1:-}" != init ]]; then
    exec cloud-init-per once nvme-storage \
        "$0" init

yum install -y nvme-cli jq lvm2

declare -a instance_devices ebs_devices

    nvme list -o json | jq -r '
        | select(.ModelNumber == "Amazon EC2 NVMe Instance Storage")
        | .DevicePath

      nvme list -o json \
    | jq -r '
        | select(.ModelNumber == "Amazon Elastic Block Store")
        | .DevicePath
    ' \
    | grep -Ff <(
        lsblk --json --path /dev/nvme?n? | jq -r '
            | select((.children | length == 0) and (.mountpoint == null))
            | .name

if [[ ${#instance_devices[@]} -gt 0 || ${#ebs_devices[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
    # Create VG.  set +u locally to work around Bash 4.2's behaviour with
    # empty arrays (fixed in 4.4).
    (set +u; vgcreate nvme-storage "${instance_devices[@]}" "${ebs_devices[@]}")

    # Allow LVM to settle and VG to appear before trying to create LV
    sleep 5

    # Create LV for Docker.  Create + extend when both instance and EBS
    # devices are present so that instance devices are allocated PEs (and
    # thus used) first.
    if [[ ${#instance_devices[@]} -gt 0 && ${#ebs_devices[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
        lvcreate --extents 100%PVS --name docker nvme-storage "${instance_devices[@]}"
        lvextend nvme-storage/docker "${ebs_devices[@]}"
        lvcreate --name nvme-storage/docker --extents 100%VG

    # Format ext4 with zero reserved blocks for root
    mkfs -t ext4 -m 0 /dev/nvme-storage/docker

    # Add to fstab so it mounts at subsequent boots
    >>/etc/fstab echo "/dev/nvme-storage/docker /var/lib/docker ext4 defaults 0 0"

    # Mount it for this boot
    mount /dev/nvme-storage/docker


This uses the cloud-init user data format to setup each EC2 instance (ECS node) on first boot. Every instance storage device (if any) is added to an LVM local storage pool, which is then used as the backing disk by Docker.

If instance storage for a given instance size is not quite enough for your jobs when matching CPU/memory requirements, you can include additional SSD-backed EBS volumes in your launch template. These are picked up by the user data setup above and used only when instance storage is exhausted (or not present).

The ECS documentation includes more information about specifying options for the ECS Docker daemon. If you want to set other options in your launch template you may, but make sure you understand Batch's support for them.

Alternative: EFS

Using EFS volumes for Batch jobs is enticing as there's no need to predict required disk sizes, but it's more expensive and has more complex initial setup considerations. For example, job definitions must provide EFS volumes to Docker to be mounted into containers and something must deal with deleting data which only needs to be ephemeral so as not to incur increasing costs.


A full analysis of the security implications of the above configuration depends on your existing AWS resources and specific use cases. As such, it is beyond the scope of this document.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The policies and configuration are intended to support a trusted set of users working in good faith. While the above configuration limits access to jobs using IAM policies, it does not prevent job users from interfering with each other's jobs if they desire to do so.

  • Users who can submit jobs can run arbitrary code on EC2 instances you pay for. They can write arbitrary data to your designated S3 bucket. Make sure you trust your users. Do not allow public job submission.

  • Jobs are given a limited IAM role to access your designated S3 bucket, but jobs with malicious intent may be able to elevate their privileges beyond that and access other AWS services. For more details, see the note titled "Important" on the "IAM Roles for Tasks" documentation page. AWS Batch jobs run in containers using host-mode networking, which prevents blocking this privilege escalation.

  • The Batch compute cluster runs as EC2 instances in a network security group with access to your private EC2 subnets. If you're running other EC2 instances, you may wish to isolate your Batch cluster in a separate security group and subnet.