diff --git a/cron.php b/cron.php index ed3e72b3d886f..3d45301d1b76b 100644 --- a/cron.php +++ b/cron.php @@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ Run the background job routine Usage: - php -f cron.php -- [-h] [...] + php -f cron.php -- [-h] [--verbose] [...] Arguments: job-classes Optional job class list to only run those jobs Options: - -h, --help Display this help message' . PHP_EOL; + -h, --help Display this help message + -v, --verbose Output more information' . PHP_EOL; exit(0); } @@ -57,9 +58,14 @@ // load all apps to get all api routes properly setup Server::get(IAppManager::class)->loadApps(); - Server::get(ISession::class)->close(); + $verbose = false; + if (isset($argv[1]) && ($argv[1] === '-v' || $argv[1] === '--verbose')) { + $verbose = true; + $argv = array_slice($argv, 1); + } + // initialize a dummy memory session $session = new \OC\Session\Memory(); $cryptoWrapper = \OC::$server->getSessionCryptoWrapper(); @@ -160,6 +166,10 @@ /** @psalm-suppress DeprecatedMethod Calling execute until it is removed, then will switch to start */ $job->execute($jobList); + + if ($verbose) { + echo 'Starting job ' . $jobDetails . PHP_EOL; + } $timeAfter = time(); $memoryAfter = memory_get_usage(); @@ -183,16 +193,28 @@ } if ($memoryAfter - $memoryBefore > 50_000_000) { - $logger->warning('Used memory grew by more than 50 MB when executing job ' . $jobDetails . ': ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryAfter). ' (before: ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryBefore) . ')', ['app' => 'cron']); + $message = 'Used memory grew by more than 50 MB when executing job ' . $jobDetails . ': ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryAfter). ' (before: ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryBefore) . ')'; + $logger->warning($message, ['app' => 'cron']); + if ($verbose) { + echo $message . PHP_EOL; + } } if ($memoryPeakAfter > 300_000_000 && $memoryPeakBefore <= 300_000_000) { - $logger->warning('Cron job used more than 300 MB of ram after executing job ' . $jobDetails . ': ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryPeakAfter) . ' (before: ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryPeakBefore) . ')', ['app' => 'cron']); + $message = 'Cron job used more than 300 MB of ram after executing job ' . $jobDetails . ': ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryPeakAfter) . ' (before: ' . Util::humanFileSize($memoryPeakBefore) . ')'; + $logger->warning($message, ['app' => 'cron']); + if ($verbose) { + echo $message . PHP_EOL; + } } // clean up after unclean jobs Server::get(\OC\Files\SetupManager::class)->tearDown(); $tempManager->clean(); + if ($verbose) { + echo 'Job ' . $jobDetails . ' done in ' . ($timeAfter - $timeBefore) . ' seconds' . PHP_EOL; + } + $jobList->setLastJob($job); $executedJobs[$job->getId()] = true; unset($job);