Nextcloud cypress helpers for Nextcloud apps and libraries
is a more generic version of @nextcloud/cypress
that will work nicely with both cypress and playwright.
It will eventually superseed @nextcloud/cypress
When starting a new project we recommend using @nextcloud/e2e-test-server
You can import individual commands or all at once You can find the list of all available commands here
// cypress/support/commands.js
import { addCommands } from '@nextcloud/cypress'
// cypress/support/commands.js
import { getNc } from '@nextcloud/cypress/commands'
Cypress.Commands.add('getNc', getNc)
You can find the list of all available selectors here
import { UploadPicker as UploadPickerComponent} from '../../dist/index.js'
import { UploadPicker, UploadPickerInput } from '@nextcloud/cypress/selectors'
describe('UploadPicker rendering', () => {
it('Renders default UploadPicker', () => {
.should('have.class', 'upload-picker')
It is possible to automatically start a docker container providing a Nextcloud instance for testing.
Therefor adjust your cypress.config.ts
(or .js
import { configureNextcloud, startNextcloud, stopNextcloud, waitOnNextcloud } from '@nextcloud/cypress/docker'
export default defineConfig({
// ...
e2e: {
// other configuration
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// Remove container after run
on('after:run', () => {
// starting Nextcloud testing container with specified server branch
return startNextcloud(process.env.BRANCH)
.then((ip) => {
// Setting container's IP as base Url
config.baseUrl = `http://${ip}/index.php`
return ip
// configure Nextcloud, also install and enable the `viewer` app
.then(() => configureNextcloud(['viewer']))
.then(() => {
return config