Releases are created automatically by GitHub Actions. A release is triggered via a GitHub Release. The GitHub Action will then start a build based on the git tag. A release can only be approved by @Grotax or @SMillerDev. An admin of the Nextcloud organization can always overwrite these settings. The private key is stored as environmental secret in GitHub. The owner of the private key is @Grotax.
While the app should try to support all PHP versions that Nextcloud currently supports, the real focus when deciding to cut a PHP version should be on maintenance burden. Users are nice, but devs should be a priority in decisions that are likely to impact them significantly.
Bug reports without test cases (feed URL and action is enough) can be closed with or without comment.
Feature requests without thoughtful commentary or pull request can be closed with or without comment, unless a developer is interested to support such a feature.
Issues without activity in the last 30 days can be closed with or without comment. If this is a bug you care about that isn't getting attention, fix it. If you're good enough to understand the bug, you're good enough to fix it.
Largely inspired by