diff --git a/developer_manual/app_publishing_maintenance/app_upgrade_guide/upgrade_to_30.rst b/developer_manual/app_publishing_maintenance/app_upgrade_guide/upgrade_to_30.rst index 279e9e372e5..c88f99fc0f7 100644 --- a/developer_manual/app_publishing_maintenance/app_upgrade_guide/upgrade_to_30.rst +++ b/developer_manual/app_publishing_maintenance/app_upgrade_guide/upgrade_to_30.rst @@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ Changed APIs - ``OCP\IGroupManager::isAdmin()`` should be used instead of checking is current user is part of admin group manually. - ``IAttributes`` ``enabled`` key have bee renamed to ``value`` and supports more than boolean. - ``OCP\DB\Exception`` uses the reason code ``REASON_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT`` now, instead of ``REASON_SERVER`` for a LockWaitTimeoutException. +- ``OCP\Share\IShare::setNoExpirationDate()`` now sets an overwrite flag for falsy expiry date values, this flag is used to determine whether the system should overwrite falsy expiry date values before creating a share. +- ``OCP\Share\IShare::getNoExpirationDate()`` retrieves the value of the ``noExpirationDate`` flag. Deprecated APIs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^