This is a tool intended to help visualizing the output of infer in a curses-style terminal interface. I found it to sometimes be really confusing to follow the bugtrace offered by infer. This is meant to be easy to use and allow you to quickly get an understanding of the general picture of your infer results. Right now this is very much a work-in-progress and is lacking a lot of functionality. Any contributions or forks are welcome.
For build and installation, I recommend using stack if you are new to haskell. If you are familiar with cabal then that should also work.
I am currently using GHC version 8.4.3 and cabal-install 3.0. You can install these tools easily using ghcup
For now I am not providing any binary releases because I feel like there will not be much damand. Feel free to message me if that is something you would be interested in.
After installing the infer-vis binary to your PATH, navigate to your project directory (where infer has already analyzed) and run:
Optionally you may specify the directory or report file directly:
infer-vis --infer-out="directory"
infer-vis --report-file="some/report.json"
I am currently planning to add functionality such that infer-vis will automatically give the bugtrace more context from the source files themselves. However, I welcome any and all contributions. Please feel free to PM me or just submit a PR.