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neilh edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 10 revisions

Working definition INI File

This is the Mayfly board configuration file. It defines the deployed board, in conjunction with the deployed software.
After reset, it is read and then configures essential functions.

; From provider, replace below as needed
SAMPLING_FEATURE= 12345678-3605-42e8-8850-62f870fe17ef

;universally unique identifier (UUID) - needs to follow variableList[]
index=12345678-ab28-46d3-8009-e1db6223cd51 ; SampleNum
index=12345678-b7b9-42c7-af58-3a8605ad2112 ;02 BattV (EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Batt)
index=12345678-1feb-4910-b6f7-65d781d8d375 ;03 Volt0 BatV All_ExternalVoltage_Battery
index=12345678-10f9-4061-a14f-01ce84e70b11 ;04 ; Volt1 Solar All_ExternalVoltage_Battery
;index=12345678-3dc0-4be6-9537-63fe8240e98f ;05 ; Ina219_mA All_ExternalVoltage_Battery
;index=12345678-21fd-44cb-b429-c2be536c7bd9 ;06 ; Ina219_V All_ExternalVoltage_Battery
index=12345678-b595-46ed-aa32-ae9aed1839c7 ;07 ; Temperature (Keller_Acculevel_Temp)
index=12345678-c1a9-4bd5-80b3-7cafac1f592f ;08 ; Gage height (Keller_Acculevel_gageHeight)
index=12345678-a588-46a6-879c-5dde0ec68bac ;09 ; Temperature (EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Temp)

; Optional section - future should be written to board local persistent storage eg eeprom
VER=1 ;Incrementing 1->65435 - 2octets
MAYFLY_SN="180322" ; From hw First 10Ascii chars
MAYFLY_REV="v0.5ba" ; From hw Forst 8 Ascii chars
;MAYFLY_INIT_ID= "mayfly.ini";Fut for EEPROM
; optional next section, processor/board dependent
WRITE=N ;FUT !Y no action, Y=Write to local persistent store

; do nothing - test for INI reader