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neilh edited this page Jan 21, 2019 · 10 revisions

Working definition INI File

This is the Mayfly board configuration file. It configures site specific features of the deployed software.
After processor reset, the mayfly.ini on the sd is read and configures the features.

The example mayfly.ini below can be copied then pasted into a notepad (windows) and then saved to lowercase "mayfly.ini".
I like to name a folder with the target deployment geographical location, and construct the mayfly.ini with that locations features/configurtaion - and then save the meta information and descriptions into that folder.
For the UUIDs, currently only is supported. Open a local issue if you would like other cloud locations UUIDs to be supported, or do a PR.

Example mayfly.ini (per v0.19.3.release1a) ;For all lines, Max 80 active chars, not including after any ; [COMMON]
LOGGER_ID = "mylog" ; Adds date"yyyy-mm-dd".csv LOGGING_INTERVAL_MIN=15
LIION_TYPE = 1 ;0=500mA 1=2AH 2=4AH
TIME_ZONE=-8 ; -12 to +12

;apn= ;supported but not tested.
;WiFiPwd= ; or none

; From provider, replace below as needed
SAMPLING_FEATURE= 12345678-3605-42e8-8850-62f870fe17ef

;universally unique identifier (UUID) ;Label_UUID=UUID Label_UID in software, and UUID from ;Label_UUID is placed in the sensors in variableList[] where the UUID is specified. SampleNumber_UUID=0cf94fc8-a5d2-4fbe-82f2-2a81650575a8 ; SampleNum Batt_UUID=2c58e64d-6b66-4d9e-b893-bfdb10b65426 ;02 BattV (EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Batt) Volt0_UUID=9e47e1aa-2ef6-4283-9a25-537cfd78b17b ;03 Volt0 BatV All_ExternalVoltage_Battery VOLT1_UUID=ebddd4d7-562d-481b-8356-d1f464fc5685 ;04 ; Volt1 Solar All_ExternalVoltage_Battery

;Optionally, if "index" is specified with UUID, then it will substitute - needs to follow variableList[] declaration
index=12345678-ab28-46d3-8009-e1db6223cd51 ; SampleNum
index=12345678-b7b9-42c7-af58-3a8605ad2112 ;02 BattV (EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Batt)
index=12345678-1feb-4910-b6f7-65d781d8d375 ;03 Volt0 BatV All_ExternalVoltage_Battery
index=12345678-10f9-4061-a14f-01ce84e70b11 ;04 ; Volt1 Solar All_ExternalVoltage_Battery
;index=12345678-3dc0-4be6-9537-63fe8240e98f ;05 ; Ina219_mA All_ExternalVoltage_Battery
;index=12345678-21fd-44cb-b429-c2be536c7bd9 ;06 ; Ina219_V All_ExternalVoltage_Battery
index=12345678-b595-46ed-aa32-ae9aed1839c7 ;07 ; Temperature (Keller_Acculevel_Temp)
index=12345678-c1a9-4bd5-80b3-7cafac1f592f ;08 ; Gage height (Keller_Acculevel_gageHeight)
index=12345678-a588-46a6-879c-5dde0ec68bac ;09 ; Temperature (EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Temp)

; do nothing - could be expanded