- Allow other components inside TabList (#123)
- Feature/add custom active and disabled class (#108)
- Remove aria-expanded attribute (#71)
- Fix warning with react 15.2
- Fix bower bundling (#111, #112)
- Allow setState in onSelect (#51, #110)
- Add a cancel option to tab change event handler (#73)
- DOMNode.setAttribute() expects the second param to be string (#75, #76)
- Allow passing through custom attributes (#93)
- Fix nesting of multiple instances of react-tabs (#103)
- Fix main exports of react tabs which were broken in 0.5.4
- Update to support react 15 (#94)
- use correct spelling of aria-labelledby (#67)
- Server Side Rendering won't work with default styles (#45)
- Removing ReactDOM from bundle
- Fix conditional rendering of tabs (#37)
- New configuration to disable styling via jss (#25)
- Avoid white on white Tab labels (#40)
- Support react 0.14 (#43)
- Issue when conditionally rendering Tab/TabPanel (#37)
- Do not bundle react into dist (#26)
- Support rendering of hidden Tabs (#28)
- Support supplying array of child nodes to Tab (#27)
- Support for disabling tabs
- Bower support (#22)
- Issue with React being included twice (#23)
- Allowing children of Tab to select Tab (#9)
- Only render the selected TabPanel
- Upgrading to React 0.13
- Removing JSX
- Fixing issue with focus management (#7)
- Fixing issue caused by no children being provided (#6)
- Fixing issue that made dynamic Tabs difficult
- Making Tab and TabPanel to be stateless
- Throwing Error when Tab count and TabPanel count aren't equal
- Fixing warning: Invalid access to component property
- Fixing style weirdness in Firefox
- Initial release