Releases: nRF24/RF24
Bug fix for SoftSPI
This release reverts the changes made to SoftSPI
implementation in v1.4.0. Also has a slight adjustment of a code snippet in the docs. Thank you @bifferos
Feature update (& some patches)
Overloaded begin()
- new overloaded
function for Arduino based platforms (but not Due, ATTiny, LittleWire, orSPI_UART
) that allows the user to specify a non-default SPI bus object- /docs/ has example snippets for
- NodeMCU (using pins' on-board labels via macros from the ESP8266 Arduino core)
- ESP32 (generic)
- Teensy (generic) - though I don't think teensy users need to use the overloaded
(as demonstrated in example snippet)
- The
function must be called before callingRF24::begin()
as warned in /docs/ page and theRF24::begin(_SPI*)
function's docs (which also defers to the Arduino support page). - A new macro
which is only defined when_SPI
is used as a datatype (as opposed to the actualSPI
object for a platform).
- /docs/ has example snippets for
- new overloaded
begin(_cepin, _cspin)
to implement feature request from #539. This applies to all supported platforms. This implementation also provides an overloaded c'tor that accepts only the_spi_speed
parameter (that still defaults toRF24_SPI_SPEED
- so it could essentially be used as an empty c'tor). Note thatbegin()
if CE & CSN pins are never specified (either with c'tor or new overloadedbegin(_cepin, _cspin)
/begin(_SPI*, _cepin, _cspin)
methods). This feature is extended to the python wrapper as well. - new additionally overloaded
begin(_SPI*, _cepin, _cspin)
on Arduino based platforms (but not Due, ATTiny, LittleWire, orSPI_UART
) to allow also specifying a SPI bus from feature request #743 when combined with feature request from #539
Patch updates
- fix releases for PlatformIO (a missing comma prevented v1.3.12 from showing in PlatformIO)
- abstract docs (main page and all "Related Pages" now live in the docs folder)
- added fix for mbed platform about printf.h from @TonioChingon in #739
- added fix for #414 to RF24_config.h concerning
about internally usingprintf()
. This fix is only appicable to the adafruit fork of the ArduinoCore-samd. Original ArduinoCore-samd does not use avr/pgmspace.h and doesn't declareprintf()
as accessible method from the Serial object(s). - Removed useless /utility/Due/R24_arch_config.h file and fixed missing avr/pgmspace.h for Arduino Due (pgmspace was added back into the Due core in 2013).
- added Arduino Due to the ArduinoCLI workflow. Also introduced a new workflow that uses PlatformIO to test the examples on the Teensy platform (thus the new badge in the README).
- amended
to check if private membersce_pin
because it seems it wasn't updated when the c'tor parameters changed their datatype fromuint8_t
- Fix
issues for Linux devices - fixed inaccuracies in the new
(concerning "Primary Role" and "Auto-ACK" outputs) - added C++ style functions to python wrapper instead of relying on python style attributes (concerns
) setRetries()
now properly clamps input values to valid range (not just truncate unused bits)- addressed community concerns about backwards compatibility with
- added STM32 as a supported platform for PlatformIO
Docs changes
- fix link to littlewire website
- fix links to datasheets (links' text/src was backwards in only v1.3.11)
- main page now refers to this GitHub release page for list of changes
- explicitly indicate that ATTiny2313 is unsupported due to insufficient memory capacity
- added info about using PA/LNA modules to
- Introduces change that mainly reduces the time required to call startListening(), powerUp(), and powerDown()
- Affects speed of switching from TX->RX. Users might consider starting updates of slower devices with this release to prevent missed packets when similar changes are introduced, affecting switching from RX->TX
- Clean up begin() function (reduce program size)
- Very important bug fix for startWrite() function. Affected entire RF24 communication stack in a
number of ways. - Unify Arduino and Linux constructor to both accept SPI Speed in Hz as optional note: Only works
with Arduino devices that support SPI Transactions, otherwise a set clock divider is used - The old way of setting SPI speeds using BCM2835 driver enums has been removed
- printDetails() function: Removed BCM2835 constants, display CE,CSN & SPI Speed on all Linux devices
and SPI Speed on Arduino devices - Cleanup Linux examples to reflect removal of BCM2835 SPI Speed constants from BCM driver and RF24
- Update to latest BCM2835 driver, separate millis() from BCM driver for easier future updates
- Fix bug with RPi millis() code
- Added Constant Carrier Wave support. startConstCarrier & stopConstCarrier functions and added new
functionality to scanner example - Modify setPALevel() function to allow setting of LNA gain via optional parameter
- Remove ancient files from RF24 examples
- Cleanup of warnings & errors
Fix problems with detection of SPI_HAS_TRANSACTION define affecting a number of platforms including Arduino Uno, ESP32, STM32 etc. Problems getting the driver working or working along with other SPI devices should be resolved with this update.
Update Linux SPI drivers to support setting the SPI speed in HZ. RF24 radio(22,0,8000000); will configure a speed of 8Mhz or users can modify RF24_config.h #define RF24_SPI_SPEED to set a default for all devices.
Support multiple instances of SPIDEV
Minor fixes/changes
Fix ESP32 progmem error/warning
Cleanup/Update some examples & printf usage
Revert compatibility changes for digitalWrite required due to the new API due to support being added for the 'old' methods
Minor bug fixes