15339 commits
to master
since this release
Feb 23, 2020
Big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible.
Here are some highlights ✨:
- ♿️ Improve the accessibility support of the Breadcrumbs and ButtonBase (#19724, #19784) @captain-yossarian.
- 💄 Polish the new Pagination component (#19758) @zettca.
- 🐛 Fix Preact support of the swipeable drawer (#19782) @TommyJackson85.
- 💅 Introduce a small delay in the appearance of the tooltip (#19766) @Ritorna.
- And many more 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 improvements.
- [Breadcrumbs] Fix expand/collapsed Breadcrumbs via keyboard (#19724) @captain-yossarian
- [ButtonBase] Fix space handling for non native button elements (#19784) @captain-yossarian
- [CardMedia] Fix propTypes to allow
prop (#19790) @stevenmusumeche - [CssBaseline] Change of children type to ReactNode (#19770) @dfernandez-asapp
- [Framer] Release v1.1.0 (#19800) @mbrookes
- [SwipeableDrawer] Improve Preact support (#19782) @TommyJackson85
- [SwipeableDrawer] Support global theme changes (#19771) @TommyJackson85
- [TextareaAutosize] Prevent "Maximum update depth exceeded" (#19743) @SofianeDjellouli
- [theme] Built-in convertLength method (#19720) @oliviertassinari
- [Tooltip] Add enterNextDelay prop (#19766) @Ritorna
- [Autocomplete] Built-in fullWidth (#19805) @oliviertassinari
- [Autocomplete] Fix stuck with open popup (#19794) @hasanozacar
- [Autocomplete] Warn when using wrong getOptionSelected (#19699) @ahmad-reza619
- [AvatarGroup] Add spacing prop (#19761) @GFynbo
- [Pagination] Fix activatedOpacity typo (#19758) @zettca
- [docs] Fix typo in Autocomplete (#19775) @aurnik
- [docs] Add Data Driven Forms to the list of libraries (#19747) @rvsia
- [docs] Improve wording of bundle size guide (#19768) @larsenwork
- [docs] Sync translations.json @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Update the translations (#19741) @mbrookes
- [core] Export ThemeOptions (#19789) @dbarabashdev
- [core] Small fixes (#19803) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Update getDisplayName to handle React.memo (#19762) @dantman