15635 commits
to master
since this release
Dec 30, 2019
Big thanks to the 22 contributors who made this release possible.
- [Badge] Fix doc about anchorOrigin (#18982) @ypresto
- [DialogContent] Add missing
class types (#18984) @NickCis - [RadioGroup] Add useRadioGroup Hook (#18920) @NMinhNguyen
- [Slider] Fix discrete mark highlighting (#18993) @ulises-lara
- [Slider] Improve the pointer event logic (#19010) @oliviertassinari
- [TablePagination] Fix duplicate key error (#18988) @afzalsayed96
- [TableSortLabel] Relax IconComponent prop requirements in TypeScript (#18936) @Igorbek
- [TableSortLabel] Sort asc by default (#19013) @oliviertassinari
- [l10n] Add Portuguese (pt-PT) locale (#18987) @hrafaelveloso
Breaking changes
[Skeleton] Add wave animation support (#19014) @oliviertassinari
-<Skeleton disableAnimation /> +<Skeleton animation={false} />
- [Autocomplete] Fix option height border-box (#19000) @MariyaVdovenko
- [Autocomplete] Zero (0) integer key display throws (#18994) @hoop71
- [Rating] Clear value if selected value is clicked (#18999) @ivowork
- [Rating] Add a demo with different icons (#19004) @hoop71
- [docs] Add TS demo for MenuPopupState (#18998) @eps1lon
- [docs] Add yarn install instructions in CONTRIBUTING.md (#18970) @hiteshkundal
- [docs] Clarify not all components have 'component' prop (#19015) @JamieS1211
- [docs] Fix syntax error in palette customization example (#19008) @mumairofficial
- [docs] Fix typo in toggle-button.md (#19002) @noahbenham
- [docs] Update showcase lists (#19039) @typekev
- [docs] Fix url address in modules/watrerfall/Batcher.js (#18997) @hiteshkundal
- [core] Don't force a remote when listing prettier changes (#18794) @Janpot
- [core] Bump handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.5.3 (#18989) @dependabot-preview
- [core] Batch small changes (#19016) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Batch small changes (#19012) @mbrookes