15672 commits
to master
since this release
Dec 24, 2019
Big thanks to the 24 contributors who made this release possible.
- [Drawer] Fix PaperProps className merge (#18866) @kristenmills
- [InputBase] Add rowsMin to typings (#18922) @lcswillems
- [Paper] Add a variant prop (#18824) @netochaves
- [Popover] Fix bug open animation (#18896) @KevinAsher
- [Select] Fix bug on focus in controlled open (#18857) @netochaves
- [TextField] onBlur event argument can be undefined (#18867) @abnersajr
- [Typography] Improve custom component types support (#18868) @fyodore82
- [theme] Add warning, success and info colors to the palette (#18820) @r3dm1ke
- [l10n] Add Korean (ko-KR) locale (#18952) @inspiredjw
- [l10n] Add Azerbaijan (az-AZ) locale (#18859) @rommelmamedov
- [l10n] Add Czech (cs-CZ) and Slovak (sk-SK) locales (#18876) @char0n
- [l10n] Add Ukrainian (uk-UA) locale (#18832) @EvgenBabenko
- [Skeleton] Delay the animation by 500ms (#18913) @bowann
- [TreeView] Improve RTL support (#18855) @eladex
- [TreeView] Support input in item child (#18894) @eggbread
- [Autocomplete] Add ListboxProps prop (#18887) @ChrisWiles
- [Autocomplete] Add blurOnSelect prop (#18827) @m4theushw
- [Autocomplete] Add forcePopupIcon prop (#18886) @SandraMarcelaHerreraArriaga
- [Autocomplete] Call onInputChange before onChange (#18897) @MarinePicaut
- [Autocomplete] Fix padding to make visual height consistent (#18851) @takutolehr
- [Autocomplete] Pass ListboxProps (#18916) @ChrisWiles
- [Autocomplete] Prevent focusing control / opening dropdown on clear (#18889) @monbrey
- [Autocomplete] Support
prop (#18917) @ChrisWiles
- [docs] Fix grammar issues in Babel plugin unwrap-createstyles (#18856) @RDIL
- [docs] Update the translations (#18865) @mbrookes
- [core] Batch small changes (#18961) @oliviertassinari