Install GNU Radio and all needed dependencies:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gnuradio-dev gr-osmosdr cmake libsndfile1-dev
You might have to disconnect and re-connect your SDR if it was already connected to your computer.
If you want to use USRP devices, you also need to run:
sudo apt install uhd-host
sudo uhd_images_downloader
gr-iridium and GNU Radio use VOLK to do most of the computations. To allow VOLK to chose the best implementations of its DSP algorithms you should run
This instructs VOLK to benchmark all the implementations it knows and write a file which it then uses when running gr-iridium. This will take a few minutes. Make sure to not do other computationally intensive tasks at the same time.
git clone
cd gr-iridium
cmake -B build
cmake --build build -j 2
sudo cmake --install build
sudo ldconfig
You are now ready to execute iridium-extractor
as a normal user. Follow the instructions in for details.