Mobile: correct UI issue with tags that were longer than page width Mobile: add advanved option to import dives from local cloud cache directories Mobile: fix broken editing of location, suit, buddy, and dive master Mobile: fix missing translations on Android CSV export: support for multiple cylinders CSV import: support for multiple cylinders for Subsurface CSV files CSV import: multiple bug fixes for Subsurface CSV files Mobile: convert entered email to lower case desktop: localize salinity string with respect to thousands separators desktop: update date and time fields on maintab if user changes preferences mobile: small improvements to usability with dark theme Core: improve service selection for BLE, adding white list and black list Filter: fix searching for tags [#2842] Desktop: fix plotting of thumbnails on profile [#2833] Core: always include BT/BLE name, even for devices no recognized as dive computer Core: fix failure to recognize several Aqualung BLE dive computers Mobile: show dive tags on dive details page Desktop: update SAC fields and other statistics when editing cylinders Desktop: Reconnect the variations checkbox in planner Desktop: add support for dive mode on CSV import and export Desktop: fix profile display of planned dives with surface segments
- work around Pelagic BLE oddity (Oceanic Pro Plus X and Aqualung i770R)
- OSTC3 firmware update improvements
- Always add new entries at the very top of this file above other existing entries and this note.
- Use this layout for new entries:
[Area]: [Details about the change] [reference thread / issue]