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A browser extension that lets you leave comments on any webpage.

Available on Chrome and Firefox.



You need Node, Yarn, and Docker (with docker-compose).

Start it like so (inside the backend directory):

yarn install
docker-compose up

It runs at http://localhost:3000.


You need Node and Yarn.

Start it with the following commands (inside the frontend directory):

yarn install
yarn start

The built files are in the frontend/extension directory, and can be installed in Chrome by loading it as an Unpacked Extension, or installed in Firefox as a Temporary Add-on.


Configuration is done through environment variables. If an environment variable isn't set, it will fallback to its default value specified in the .env files in the frontend and backend directories. These defaults are set up in such a way that you can run Tabchat right after cloning it without having to configure anything.

Environment Variable Description Default Value
USE_RECAPTCHA Whether or not reCAPTCHA should be enabled false
RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY Key supplied by Google, used for reCAPTCHA on the frontend empty
RECAPTCHA_SECRET Another key supplied by Google, used for reCAPTCHA on the backend empty
SERVER_URL The URL that the backend is running on http://localhost:3000
MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH Pretty self explanatory - the maximum length of a comment that is accepted 4000
NODE_ENV Sets the mode the backend should run under - should be either "development" or "production". In development, nodemon is used to live-reload TypeScript files as you save them. development
DATABASE_URL A connection string pointing to a Postgres database postgres://postgres:changeme@db:5432/postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The password of the Postgres database we will spin up changeme
PORT The port the backend will listen on 3000
MAX_COMMENT_DEPTH_TO_INDENT When displaying comments, we will stop indenting at this depth (zero-indexed) 6


Chat icon by Smashicons