{ "description": "A Fully Async-based backend for Moerphous built using FastAPI, ODMantic, MongoDB, IPFS, XRPL-PY and friends.", "env": [ { "description": "This is the user name you'll be creating for remote accesses.", "key": "MONGODB_USERNAME", "required": false, "value": "admin" }, { "description": "The corresponding password for that user.", "key": "MONGODB_PASSWORD", "required": true, "value": "" }, { "description": "Your remote MongoDB server's domain name.", "key": "MONGODB_HOST", "required": true, "value": "" }, { "description": "The name of the database you want to access, in our case, the `xrpl` database.", "key": "MONGODB_DATABASE", "required": true, "value": "xrpl" }, { "description": "Your pinata api key.", "key": "PINATA_API_KEY", "required": true }, { "description": "Your pinata api secret.", "key": "PINATA_API_SECRET", "required": true }, { "description": "Secret used to sign the JWTs", "key": "JWT_SECRET_KEY", "required": true }, { "description": "Comma separated urls of the deployed client.", "key": "CORS_ORIGINS", "required": true }, { "description": "This environment variable defines the debug level.`` means production. `info` to access the docs.", "key": "DEBUG", "required": true } ], "name": "moerphous", "runtime": "python3.9" }