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Integration tests

This directory contains the integration tests which can also be used as example configurations for setting up an environment with sqlite-wasm-http.

Ignore the .karma.cjs files which contain the configuration needed to run the resulting bundles in Karma.

If you want to setup an environment that is not included you should be aware of the following specific requirements of this package:

  • It contains a number of workers that are imported using the new standard method that all bundlers have agreed upon: new Worker(new URL('./script.js', import.meta.url)) - you bundler should support this syntax
  • It contains a WASM blob that is also imported using this same syntax: new URL('./sqlite3.wasm', import.meta.url) - your bundler should be able to handle this
  • It uses Node.js 16 subpath import maps - your bundler and eventually your TypeScript transpiler if you are using one - should be able to handle this. In particular, TypeScript needs "moduleResolution": "node16" and the latest 4.2 beta of Vite has a bug which prevents it from using both subpath import maps and workers.

Node.js specific requirements (these apply to stand-alone Node.js applications, bundling works fine without them):

  • It is a an ESM-only module, which means that it cannot be required from Node.js CJS code. When using in Node.js you should either use .mjs extension or you should set "type": "module" in your package.json. If you are using TypeScript, you should also set "module": "es6" or greater in tsconfig.json and use ts-node-esm instead of ts-node.
  • It uses fetch which requires Node.js 18
  • It uses WebWorker which require the web-worker package (I have @mmomtchev/web-worker with a number of fixes)
  • The sync backend - which works in Node.js but should never be needed, since Node.js always exposes SharedArrayBuffer - is particularly inefficient as it uses an old polyfill which creates temporary files on the disk for every transferred segment