Follow the instructions to create a virtual machine that runs Singularity on top of a Mesos cluster. All Mesos components (Mesos master and slave), all Singularity components (Singularity master, Singularity Executor, Singularity UI, S3Archiver, etc.) as well as their dependencies (Zookeper, MySQL) will run in the same virtual machine.
This setup is only meant for testing purposes; to give you the possibility to quickly take a look and experiment with the available tools, UIs and APIs.
The setup steps have been tested on mac computers running MAC OS X 10.9.x but they should as well work on any recent Linux distribution.
Install Vagrant
Install Virtualbox
Open a command shell and run the following command to install the vagrant-hostsupdater
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
Clone Singularity from in your preferred directory and go into the vagrant directory inside the cloned project:
cd my_home/tests
git clone
cd Singularity/vagrant
Look for the provided Vagrantfile that contains the required vagrant commands for setting up a VirtualBox VM with all required software. The utilized vagrant provisioner for performing the installation is chef-solo along with the Berkshelf plugin for handling the required chef recipe. The provided Berksfile contains information about the singularity chef recipe that builds the VM. To start building the VM run the following command:
vagrant up test
This command will first setup and then bring up the virtual machine. The first time you run this, you should be patient because it needs to download a basic Linux image and then build Singularity. When this is done the first time, every other time that you run vagrant up, it will take only a few seconds to boot the virtual machine up.
During the installation your local machine hosts file is configured with the VM IP (so you can access it as vagrant-singularity) and you will be asked to provide your password.
When vagrant command finishes check that everything has been installed successfully executing the following steps:
First verify that Zookeeper is running by logging into the virtual machine and using the zookeeper command line tool to connect to the zookeeper server and list the available nodes:
vagrant ssh
sudo /usr/share/zookeeper/bin/ -server localhost:2181
# When connected execute the following command to list the root nodes:
ls /
# You should see the following listing:
# [mesos, zookeeper]
# type 'quit' to exit zookeper console
If this isn't a fresh VM, you may see a singularity
node in the list too.
Then verify that the mesos cluster is running and the Mesos UI is accessible at:
Verify that mysql server is running:
mysql -u root -p --host=
# specify *mesos7mysql* as password
#then check if singularity database has been created:
mysql> show databases;
# You should something like the following:
| Database |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| singularity |
# type 'exit' to exit mysql client console
Verify that Singularity is running:
If everything went well you will see the following screen:
Enter your username to let Singularity populate a personalized dashboard and go to Deploy Examples to find out how to deploy some test projects.
At a later time you can update the VM installed packages using the latest singularity chef recipe by running:
vagrant reload --provision
In order to speed up Vagrant provisioning, we publish a "box" to Vagrant Cloud containing Mesos, MySQL, and Zookeeper preinstalled. The test
and develop
roles depend on this box.
To publish a new Singularity base box (i.e. for new versions of Mesos):
- Provision the
Vagrant role:vagrant up base_image
. This will take 10-15 minutes. - Verify Mesos, MySQL, ZK are running
- Export the box:
vagrant box base_image --output singularity-develop-X.Y.Z
(where X.Y.Z is the Mesos version installed). This will take a few minutes. - Upload the newly created
to a CDN. The file should be ~2 GB, so this might take awhile. - Go to Vagrant Cloud and publish a new box, pointing to the URL of the file you just uploaded
- Update the
to point to this new URL.