A Spring Boot app to get Risk and Need for offenders across HMPPS.
Swagger API documentation is available
- Java JDK 21
- An editor/IDE
- Gradle
- Docker
- Postgres
- HMPPS Auth
make up
Go to http://localhost:8080/health
make dev-up
This allows you to run the linter and tests with:
make lint-fix
make test
For a full list of commands run
The generated documentation for the api can be viewed at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
❗️ This requires kubectl 1.19, as 1.20+ is incompatible with the live-1 cluster as of October 2021
To manually trigger the production refresh job:
kubectl --namespace=hmpps-assess-risks-and-needs-prod \
create job --from=cronjob.batch/db-refresh-job refresh-job
: provides information about the application health and its dependencies. This should only be used
by offender assessment service health monitoring (e.g. pager duty) and not other systems who wish to find out the
state of offender assessment service./info
: provides information about the version of deployed application.
The service contains implementations for the OASys and Data Science (ONNX) RSR calculators. Only one implementation can be used at once, selected using the spring profiles
to use the OASys calculatoronnx-rsr
to use the ONNX implementation
It is not possible to store the ONNX files in this public repository as it has not been approved for release. Sample static and dynamic files which return constant values is provided to facilitate unit tests. A test ONNX file is also used in the application yaml to enable spring boot startup on local machine when using 'onnx-rsr' profile. See onnx-path in the yaml snippet below.
onnx-path: classpath:/onnx/rsr_v0.0.0_const_brief.onnx
offence-codes-path: classpath:/onnx/offence_codes_v0.0.0.json