--- # yamllint disable rule:line-length # See the available options: https://tdt-documentation.london.cloudapps.digital/configure_project/global_configuration/#configure-your-documentation-site # yamllint enable rule:line-length # Host to use for canonical URL generation (without trailing slash) host: https://technical-documentation.data-platform.service.justice.gov.uk # Header-related options show_govuk_logo: false service_name: Analytical Platform service_link: / # Links to show on right-hand-side of header header_links: Home: https://docs.analytical-platform.service.justice.gov.uk/ GitHub: https://github.com/ministryofjustice/analytical-platform Slack: https://mojdt.slack.com/archives/C04VBJTKY58 # Enables search functionality. This indexes pages only and is not recommended for single-page sites. enable_search: true # Tracking ID from Google Analytics (e.g. UA-XXXX-Y) ga_tracking_id: # Enable collapsible navigation in the sidebar collapsible_nav: true # Table of contents depth – how many levels to include in the table of contents. # If your ToC is too long, reduce this number and we'll only show higher-level # headings. max_toc_heading_level: 3 # Prevent robots from indexing (e.g. whilst in development) prevent_indexing: true show_contribution_banner: true github_repo: ministryofjustice/analytical-platform github_branch: main