RestartLessOften comes with an example application 'GLExample' that is already set up to work with RLO. I will describe how to set up this example starting from scratch.
In Xcode create a new project based on the iOS application template named 'OpenGL Game', name it GLExample and save it in the Examples directory of RestartLessOften.
Create a new target (iOS->Other->Cocoa Touch Unit Testing Bundle) named RLOUpdaterBundleGLExample of type XCTest.
In the build settings of RLOUpdaterBundleGLExample delete all frameworks from 'Other linker flags' ($(inherited) and XCTest). You have to double click in the column RLOUpdaterBundleGLExample to see these in the first place because they are defaults but they have to go. Then the Resolved column should be empty for 'Other linker flags'.
Also set 'Generate Debug Symbols' to NO to avoid a build warning.
Click your way to the build phases of RLOUpdaterBundleGLExample.
- Select Editor->Add Build Phase->Add Run Script Build Phase
- Enter this as shell script:
exec ${SRCROOT}/../../scripts/ RLOUpdaterBundle${TARGET_NAME}.xctest
- Rename the build phase name from 'Run Script' to
- Move this build phase just below 'Target Dependencies' so it starts before the
Compile Sources
phase - Select Editor->Add Build Phase->Add Run Script Build Phase again
- This is the script to run:
exec ${SRCROOT}/../../scripts/
- Rename the build phase name from 'Run Script' to
- Remove the target dependency GLExample
- Add all frameworks your app is using under
Link Binary With Libraries
- Repeat the creation of these two build phases for the target GLExample as well
- In the target GLExample add RLOUpdaterBundleGLExample as target depencency
- Delete the file
- Add
#import "GLExample-Prefix.pch"
to RLOUpdaterBundleGLExample-Prefix.pch
Create a copy of the directory RLORebuildCode in templates into Examples/GLExample and add this copy to the Xcode project only for the target RLOUpdaterBundleGLExample.
Add the directory RLOClasses
to your Xcode project for the GLExample target.
Add these preprocessor statements
#include "RLODefinitions.h"
to GLExample-Prefix.pch at the end of the #ifdef __OBJC__
and this checked import:
#import "RLODynamicEnvironment.h"
to main.m
as well as the startup code
to main.m
above return UIApplicationMain
This must be in an @autoreleasepool
, add one if necessary.
Copy the
from templates
into Examples/GLExample
In the file ViewController.m
add this line
RLOaddObserver(self, @selector(rloNotification:));
at the end of -viewDidLoad
at the end of -dealloc
If almost any kind of thing changes like file content, parameters, code rebuild, some special key was pressed etc. -rloNotification:
is called.
Add this before the @end
of ViewController.m
- (void)rloNotification:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSLog(@"rloNotification: %@", aNotification);
self.paused = NO;
If you followed all the steps correctly you should be able to change the log message or set `self.paused` to
YES and building the project should result in the new code being executed.
You have to adjust the paths in the build phases for