From 8545646bc86f927405f659d1325c6eb7c319309c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: vscode Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 12:46:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Updated strings from microsoft/vscode-loc-drop@55b1093401a1ebb71ef0e54995f2d932395d90b9 --- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 42 ++++++++++--------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 18 ++++---- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- .../translations/main.i18n.json | 36 +++++++++------- 14 files changed, 274 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-) diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json index 44d0604423..032ef75fd4 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "Vložené nápovědy jsou ve výchozím nastavení skryté a zobrazí se, když podržíte {0}.", "editor.inlayHints.on": "Pomocné parametry pro vložené informace jsou povoleny.", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "Vložené nápovědy se ve výchozím nastavení zobrazují a skryjí se, když podržíte {0}.", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "Pokud je dostatek místa, zobrazí se větší návrhy vedle sebe, jinak se zobrazí níže.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Větší návrhy se nikdy nezobrazují vedle sebe a vždy se zobrazí níže.", "": "Umožňuje zakázat nabídku akcí kódu.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "Zobrazí nabídku akcí kódu, pokud je kurzor na řádcích s kódem nebo na prázdných řádcích.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "Zobrazí nabídku akcí kódu, pokud je kurzor na řádcích s kódem.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly interface. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly key. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly keyword. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "Barva popředí pro metodu se symboly šipek. Tyto symboly se zobrazí ve widgetu návrhů.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly method. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly module. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "Barva popředí pro symboly namespace. Tyto symboly se zobrazují ve widgetu osnovy, popisu cesty a návrhů.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Otevřít v editoru", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Přepnout na chat", "": "Otevřít editor", - "managePlan": "Spravovat plán Copilotu", - "manageSettings": "Spravovat nastavení Copilotu", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Další…", "newChatTitle": "Nový název chatu", "openChat": "Otevřít chat", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Povolí automatickou detekci účastníka chatu pro panelový chat.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "Toto nastavení je zastaralé. Místo toho prosím použijte nastavení chat.detectParticipant.enabled.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "Hodnota pro implicitní kontext.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicitní kontext je vždy povolený.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicitní kontext je povolený pro první interakci.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicitní kontext není nikdy povolen.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Zadejte umístění souborů opakovaně použitelných výzev (*{0}), které lze připojit v relacích chatu, úprav a vloženého chatu. [Další informace]({1}).\r\n\r\nRelativní cesty se řeší z kořenových složek vašeho pracovního prostoru.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "Soubory výzev", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Určuje, jestli se mají ve vstupu chatu vykreslovat související soubory.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Zahájit nový chat", "file": "Zvolte soubor v pracovním prostoru", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Určuje rodinu písem v blocích kódu chatu.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "Vybraný model nepodporuje tento typ {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Připojeno: {0}, řádek {1} až řádek {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Připojený obrázek, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Vynecháno: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Vynecháno: {0}, řádek {1} až řádek {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Částečně připojeno: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} nepodporuje tento typ {1}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Připojený soubor, {0}, od řádku {1} do řádku {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Připojený obrázek, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Přidat další modely...", "chat.normalMode": "Upravit", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Odeslat komu: @{0}", @@ -6124,21 +6126,23 @@ "willResolveTo": "Přeloží se na {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Dosaženo limitu", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Dosáhlo se limitu chatu.", "chatStatus": "Stav Copilotu", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Dosáhlo se limitu dokončení.", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "You are currently using Copilot Free:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Otevřít chat ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", - "settings.toggleCompletions": "Code Completions", - "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Next Edit Suggestions (Preview)", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", + "settings.toggleCompletions": "Dokončování kódu", + "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Další návrhy úprav (Preview)", "": "Chat", "shortcuts.copilotEdits": "Copilot Edits", - "shortcuts.inlineChat": "Inline Chat", + "shortcuts.inlineChat": "Vložený chat", "signInToUseCopilot": "Pokud chcete používat Copilot, přihlaste se…" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatWidget": { @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "Přidat výraz", "collapse": "Sbalit vše", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "Kopírovat výraz", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Odebrat všechny výrazy", "typeNewValue": "Přidat novou hodnotu", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Výrazy kukátka ladění", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json index d7c80cb807..8a5f9cc004 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "Inlayhinweise sind standardmäßig ausgeblendet. Sie werden angezeigt, wenn {0} gedrückt gehalten wird.", "editor.inlayHints.on": "Inlay-Hinweise sind aktiviert", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "Inlay-Hinweise werden standardmäßig angezeigt und ausgeblendet, wenn Sie {0} gedrückt halten", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "Größere Vorschläge werden nebeneinander angezeigt, wenn genügend Speicherplatz vorhanden ist, andernfalls werden sie unten angezeigt.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Größere Vorschläge werden nie nebeneinander angezeigt und werden immer unten angezeigt.", "": "Codeaktionsmenü deaktivieren.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "Zeigt das Codeaktionsmenü an, wenn sich der Cursor in Zeilen mit Code oder in leeren Zeilen befindet.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "Zeigt das Codeaktionsmenü an, wenn sich der Cursor in Zeilen mit Code befindet.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Schnittstellensymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Schlüsselsymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Schlüsselwortsymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für die Methode mit Pfeilsymbolen. Diese Symbole erscheinen im Widget für Vorschläge.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Methodensymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Modulsymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "Die Vordergrundfarbe für Namespacesymbole. Diese Symbole werden in den Widgets für Gliederung, Breadcrumbs und Vorschläge angezeigt.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "In Editor öffnen", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Zum Chat wechseln", "": "Editor öffnen", - "managePlan": "Manage Copilot Plan", - "manageSettings": "Copilot-Einstellungen verwalten", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Mehr...", "newChatTitle": "Neuer Chattitel", "openChat": "Chat öffnen", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Aktiviert die automatische Erkennung von Chatteilnehmern für Panelchat.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "Diese Einstellung ist veraltet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen „chat.detectParticipant.enabled“.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "Der Wert für den impliziten Kontext.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Der implizite Kontext wird immer aktiviert.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Der implizite Kontext wird für die erste Interaktion aktiviert.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Der implizite Kontext wird nie aktiviert.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Geben Sie die Speicherorte wiederverwendbarer Promptdateien („*{0}“) an, die in Chat-, Bearbeitungs- und Inlinechatsitzungen angefügt werden können. [Weitere Informationen]({1}).\r\n\r\nRelative Pfade werden aus den Stammordnern Ihres Arbeitsbereichs aufgelöst.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "Promptdateien", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Steuert, ob zugehörige Dateien in der Chateingabe gerendert werden sollen.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Neuen Chat starten", "file": "Wählen Sie eine Datei im Arbeitsbereich aus", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Steuert die Schriftfamilie der Chatcodeblocks.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "Das ausgewählte Modell unterstützt diesen {0} Typ nicht.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Angefügt: {0}, Zeile {1} bis Zeile {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Angefügtes Bild, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Ausgelassen: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Ausgelassen: {0}, Zeile {1} bis Zeile {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Teilweise angefügt: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} unterstützt diesen {1} Typ nicht.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Angefügte Datei, {0}, Zeile {1} an Zeile {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Angefügtes Bild, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Weitere Modelle hinzufügen...", "chat.normalMode": "Bearbeiten", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Senden an @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "Wird aufgelöst in {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit erreicht", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Das Chat-Limit wurde erreicht.", "chatStatus": "Copilot-Status", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Vervollständigungslimit erreicht", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Sie verwenden derzeit Copilot Free:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Chat öffnen ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Code-Vervollständigungen", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Nächste Bearbeitungsvorschläge (Preview)", "": "Chat", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "Ausdruck hinzufügen", "collapse": "Alle zuklappen", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "Ausdruck kopieren", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Alle Ausdrücke entfernen", "typeNewValue": "Neuen Wert eingeben", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Überwachungsausdrücke debuggen", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json index 45a745c243..a8594e35ec 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "Las sugerencias de incrustación están ocultas de forma predeterminada y se muestran al mantener presionado {0}", "editor.inlayHints.on": "Las sugerencias de incrustación están habilitadas", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "Las sugerencias de incrustación se muestran de forma predeterminada y se ocultan cuando se mantiene presionado {0}", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "Las sugerencias más grandes se mostrarán una al lado de la otra si hay espacio suficiente; de lo contrario, se mostrarán a continuación.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Las sugerencias más grandes nunca se muestran una al lado de la otra y siempre se mostrarán a continuación.", "": "Deshabilite el menú de acción de código.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "Muestra el menú de acción de código cuando el cursor está en líneas con código o en líneas vacías.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "Muestra el menú de acción del código cuando el cursor está en líneas con código.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de interfaz. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de claves. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de palabra clave. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "El color de primer plano para el método con un símbolo de flecha. Estos símbolos aparecen en el widget de sugerencias.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de método. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de módulo. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "Color de primer plano de los símbolos de espacio de nombres. Estos símbolos aparecen en el contorno, la ruta de navegación y el widget de sugerencias.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Abrir en el editor", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Cambiar a chat", "": "Abrir Editor", - "managePlan": "Administrar el plan de Copilot", - "manageSettings": "Administrar la configuración de Copilot", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Más...", "newChatTitle": "Nuevo título del chat", "openChat": "Abrir chat", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Habilita la detección automática del participante del chat para el chat del panel.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "Este valor está en desuso. Use \"chat.detectParticipant.enabled\" en su lugar.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "El valor del contexto implícito.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "El contexto implícito siempre está habilitado.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "El contexto implícito está habilitado para la primera interacción.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "El contexto implícito nunca está habilitado.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Especifique las ubicaciones de los archivos de mensajes reutilizables ('*{0}') que se pueden adjuntar en chat, ediciones y sesiones de chat en línea. [Más información]({1}).\r\n\r\nLas rutas de acceso relativas se resuelven desde las carpetas raíz del área de trabajo.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "Archivos de mensajes", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Controla si los archivos relacionados se deben representar en la entrada de chat.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Iniciar un nuevo chat", "file": "Elegir un archivo en el área de trabajo", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controla la familia de las fuentes en los bloques de código de chat.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "El modelo seleccionado no admite este tipo de {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Adjunto: {0}, línea {1} a línea {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Imagen adjunta, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Omitido: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Omitido: {0}, línea {1} a línea {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Parcialmente adjunto: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} no admite este tipo de {1}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Archivo adjunto, {0}, línea {1} a la línea {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Imagen adjunta, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Agregar más modelos...", "chat.normalMode": "Editar", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Enviar a @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "Se resolverá en {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Límite alcanzado", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Se alcanzó el límite de chat", "chatStatus": "Estado de Copilot", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Límite de finalizaciones alcanzado", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Actualmente está usando Copilot Free:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Abrir chat ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0}/{1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Completaciones de código", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Siguientes sugerencias de edición (vista previa)", "": "Chat", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "Agregar expresión", "collapse": "Contraer todo", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "Copiar Expresión", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Quitar todas las expresiones", "typeNewValue": "Escribir nuevo valor", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Expresiones de inspección de la depuración", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json index 8ee456c8b7..9cd54b58de 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "Les indicateurs d’inlay sont masqués par défaut et s’affichent lorsque vous maintenez {0}", "editor.inlayHints.on": "Les indicateurs d’inlay sont activés.", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "Les indicateurs d’inlay sont affichés par défaut et masqués lors de la conservation {0}", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "Les suggestions plus grandes s’affichent côte à côte s’il y a suffisamment d’espace. Sinon, elles s’afficheront en dessous.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Les suggestions plus grandes ne s’affichent jamais côte à côte et s’afficheront toujours en dessous.", "": "Désactiver le menu d’action du code.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "Afficher le menu d’action du code lorsque le curseur se trouve sur des lignes avec du code ou sur des lignes vides.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "Afficher le menu d’action du code lorsque le curseur se trouve sur des lignes avec du code.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles d'interface. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles de clé. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles de mot clé. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "La couleur de premier plan pour la méthode avec des symboles de flèche. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le widget de suggestion.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles de méthode. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles de module. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "Couleur de premier plan des symboles d'espace de noms. Ces symboles apparaissent dans le plan, la barre de navigation et le widget de suggestion.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Ouvrir dans l’Éditeur", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Basculer vers la conversation", "": "Ouvrir l’éditeur", - "managePlan": "Gérer le plan Copilot", - "manageSettings": "Gérer les paramètres Copilot", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Plus...", "newChatTitle": "Nouveau titre de la conversation", "openChat": "Ouvrir la conversation", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Active la détection automatique des participants à la conversation pour la conversation de panneau.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "Ce paramètre est obsolète. Veuillez utiliser `chat.detectParticipant.enabled` à la place.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "La valeur du contexte implicite.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Le contexte implicite est toujours activé.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Le contexte implicite est activé pour la première interaction.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Le contexte implicite n'est jamais activé.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Spécifiez l’emplacement des fichiers de prompt réutilisables (« *{0} ») qui peuvent être joints dans les sessions de conversation, de modification et de conversation inline. [En savoir plus]({1}).\r\n\r\nLes chemins relatifs sont résolus à partir des dossiers racine de votre espace de travail.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "Fichiers de requête", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Contrôle si les fichiers associés doivent être affichés dans l’entrée de conversation.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Démarrer une nouvelle conversation", "file": "Choisir un fichier dans l’espace de travail", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Contrôle l’la famille de police dans les codeblocks de la conversation.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "Le modèle sélectionné ne prend pas en charge ce type de {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Attaché : {0}, ligne {1} à ligne {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Image attachée, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Omis : {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Omis : {0}, ligne {1} à ligne {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Partiellement attaché : {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} ne prend pas en charge ce type de {1}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Fichier joint, {0}, ligne {1} à la ligne {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Image attachée, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Ajouter d’autres modèles...", "chat.normalMode": "Modifier", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Envoyer à @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "Sera résolu en {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limite atteinte", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "La limite des conversations a été atteinte", "chatStatus": "État de Copilot", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "La limite des saisies semi-automatiques a été atteinte", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Vous utilisez actuellement la version gratuite de Copilot :", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Ouvrir la conversation ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Saisies semi-automatiques de code", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Suggestions de modification suivantes (préversion)", "": "Conversation", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "Ajouter une expression", "collapse": "Tout réduire", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "Copier l’expression", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Supprimer toutes les expressions", "typeNewValue": "Voulez-vous taper une nouvelle valeur?", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Déboguer les expressions espionnées", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json index 58d08cb37b..47dbaf5319 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "Gli hint di inlay sono nascosti per impostazione predefinita e vengono visualizzati solo quando si tiene premuto {0}", "editor.inlayHints.on": "Gli hint di inlay sono abilitati", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "Gli hint di inlay vengono visualizzati per impostazione predefinita e vengono nascosti quando si tiene premuto {0}", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "I suggerimenti più grandi verranno mostrati visualizzati affiancati se lo spazio è sufficiente, altrimenti verranno mostrati di seguito.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "I suggerimenti più grandi non vengono mai mostrati affiancati e verranno sempre mostrati di seguito.", "": "Disabilita il menu azione codice.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "Mostra il menu azione codice quando il cursore è su righe con codice o su righe vuote.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "Visualizza il menu azione codice quando il cursore è su righe di codice.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di interfaccia. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di chiave. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di parola chiave. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "Il colore primo piano per il metodo con simboli freccia. Questi simboli appaiono nel widget suggerito.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di metodo. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di modulo. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "Colore primo piano per i simboli di spazio dei nomi. Questi simboli vengono visualizzati nella struttura, nell'elemento di navigazione e nel widget dei suggerimenti.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Aprire nell’editor", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Passa alla chat", "": "Apri Editor", - "managePlan": "Gestire il piano Copilot", - "manageSettings": "Gestire le impostazioni di Copilot", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Altro...", "newChatTitle": "Nuovo titolo della chat", "openChat": "Apri chat", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Abilita il rilevamento automatico dei partecipanti alla chat per la chat del pannello.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "Questa impostazione è deprecata. Usare invece 'chat.detectParticipant.enabled'.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "Il valore per il contesto implicito.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Il contesto implicito è sempre abilitato.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Il contesto implicito è abilitato per la prima interazione.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Il contesto implicito non è mai abilitato.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Specifica le posizioni dei file di richiesta riutilizzabili ('*{0}') che possono essere allegati nelle sessioni di chat inline, modifiche e chat. [Altre informazioni]({1}).\r\n\r\nI percorsi relativi vengono risolti dalle cartelle radice del tuo spazio di lavoro.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "File di richiesta", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Consente di controllare se i file correlati devono essere visualizzati nell'input della chat.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Avvia una nuova chat", "file": "Scegli un file nell'area di lavoro", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controlla la famiglia di caratteri nei blocchi di codice della chat.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "Il modello selezionato non supporta questo tipo di {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Allegato: {0}, da riga {1} a riga {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Immagine collegata, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Omesso: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Omesso: {0}, da riga {1} a riga {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Parzialmente collegato: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} non supporta questo tipo di {1}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "File allegato, {0}, da riga {1} a riga {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Immagine collegata, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Aggiungi altri modelli...", "chat.normalMode": "Modifica", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Invia a @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "Verrà risolto in {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limite raggiunto", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Limite chat raggiunto", "chatStatus": "Stato di Copilot", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limite di completamenti raggiunto", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Attualmente stai utilizzando Copilot Gratuito:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Apri chat ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Completamenti del codice", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Suggerimenti di modifica successivi (anteprima)", "": "Chat", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "Aggiungi espressione", "collapse": "Comprimi tutto", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "Copia espressione", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Rimuovi tutte le espressioni", "typeNewValue": "Digita un nuovo valore", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Esegui debug espressioni di controllo", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json index e47c2d20be..ad35503755 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "インレイ ヒントは既定では非表示になり、{0} を押したままにすると表示されます", "editor.inlayHints.on": "インレイ ヒントが有効になっています", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "インレイ ヒントは既定で表示され、{0} を押したままにすると非表示になります", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "十分なスペースがある場合に、大きな候補は横並びに表示されますが、そうでない場合は下側に表示されます。", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "大きな候補は横並びに表示されることはなく、常に下側に表示されます。", "": "コード アクション メニューを無効にします。", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "カーソルがコードのある行または空の行にあるときに、コード アクション メニューを表示します。", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "カーソルがコードが存在する行にあるときに、コード アクション メニューを表示します。", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "インターフェイス記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "キー記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "キーワード記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "矢印記号のあるメソッドの前景色。これらの記号は、候補ウィジェットに表示されます。", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "メソッド記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "モジュール記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "名前空間記号の前景色。これらの記号は、アウトライン、階層リンク、および候補のウィジェットに表示されます。", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "エディターで開く", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "チャットに切り替える", "": "エディターを開く", - "managePlan": "Copilot プランを管理", - "manageSettings": "Copilot 設定を管理", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "その他...", "newChatTitle": "新しいチャットのタイトル", "openChat": "チャットを開く", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "パネル チャットのチャット参加者の自動検出を有効にします。", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "この設定は非推奨です。代わりに 'chat.detectParticipant.enabled' を使用してください。", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "暗黙的なコンテキストの値。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "暗黙的なコンテキストは常に有効です。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "最初の対話に対し、暗黙的なコンテキストが有効になります。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "暗黙的なコンテキストが有効になることはありまん。", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "チャット、編集、インライン チャット セッションに添付できる再利用可能なプロンプト ファイル (`*{0}`) の場所を指定します。[詳細情報]({1})。\r\n\r\n相対パスは、ワークスペースのルート フォルダーから解決されます。", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "プロンプト ファイル", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "チャット入力で関連ファイルをレンダリングするかどうかを制御します。", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "新しいチャットの開始", "file": "ワークスペースでファイルを選択する", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "チャット コード ブロック内のフォント ファミリを制御します。", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "選択したモデルは、この {0} の種類をサポートしていません。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "{0}、行 {1} から行 {2} をアタッチしました。", "chat.imageAttachment": "添付画像、{0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "{0} を省略しました。", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "{0}、行 {1} から行 {2} を省略しました。", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "{0} を部分的にアタッチしました。", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} はこの {1} の種類をサポートしていません。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "添付ファイル、{0}、行 {1} から行 {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "添付画像、{0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "その他のモデルを追加...", "chat.normalMode": "編集", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0} に送信", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "{0} に解決されます" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "上限に達しました", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "チャットの上限に達しました", "chatStatus": "Copilot の状態", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "補完の上限に達しました", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "現在、Copilot Free を使用しています:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "チャットを開く ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "コード補完", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "次の編集候補 (プレビュー)", "": "チャット", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "式の追加", "collapse": "すべて折りたたむ", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "式のコピー", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "すべての式を削除する", "typeNewValue": "新しい値を入力する", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "ウォッチ式のデバッグ", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json index 3a27b17746..bea8991811 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "인레이 힌트는 기본값으로 숨겨져 있으며 {0}을(를) 길게 누르면 표시됩니다.", "editor.inlayHints.on": "인레이 힌트를 사용할 수 있음", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "인레이 힌트는 기본적으로 표시되고 {0}을(를) 길게 누를 때 숨겨집니다.", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "더 큰 제안은 공간이 충분하면 나란히 표시되고, 그렇지 않으면 아래에 표시됩니다.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "더 큰 제안은 나란히 표시되지 않으며 항상 아래에 표시됩니다.", "": "코드 작업 메뉴를 사용하지 않도록 설정합니다.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "커서가 코드가 있는 줄 또는 빈 줄에 있는 경우 코드 동작 메뉴를 표시합니다.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "커서가 코드가 있는 줄에 있을 때 코드 동작 메뉴를 표시합니다.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "인터페이스 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 표시됩니다.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "키 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 표시됩니다.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "키워드 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 나타납니다.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "화살표 기호가 있는 메서드의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 제안 위젯에 나타납니다.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "메서드 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 표시됩니다.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "모듈 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 나타납니다.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "네임스페이스 기호의 전경색입니다. 이러한 기호는 개요, 이동 경로 및 제안 위젯에 나타납니다.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "편집기에서 열기", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "채팅으로 전환", "": "편집기 열기", - "managePlan": "Copilot 플랜 관리", - "manageSettings": "Copilot 설정 관리", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "자세히...", "newChatTitle": "새 채팅 제목", "openChat": "채팅 열기", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "패널 채팅에서 채팅 참가자 자동 감지를 사용합니다.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "이 설정은 사용되지 않습니다. Please use `chat.detectParticipant.enabled` instead.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "암시적 컨텍스트의 값입니다.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "암시적 컨텍스트가 항상 활성화됩니다.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "첫 번째 상호 작용에는 암시적 컨텍스트가 활성화됩니다.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "암시적 컨텍스트가 활성화되지 않습니다.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "채팅, 편집 및 인라인 채팅 세션에서 첨부할 수 있는 재사용 가능한 프롬프트 파일('*{0}')의 위치를 지정합니다. [자세한 정보]({1}).\r\n\r\n상대 경로는 작업 영역의 루트 폴더에서 확인됩니다.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "프롬프트 파일", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "채팅 입력에서 관련 파일을 렌더링할지 여부를 제어합니다.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "새 채팅 시작", "file": "작업 영역에서 파일 선택", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "채팅 코드 블록에서 글꼴 모음을 제어합니다.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "선택한 모델은 이 {0} 유형을 지원하지 않습니다.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "연결됨: {0}, {1} 줄부터 {2} 줄까지.", "chat.imageAttachment": "첨부된 이미지, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "생략됨: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "생략됨: {0}, {1} 줄부터 {2} 줄까지.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "부분적으로 연결됨: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} 이 {1} 형식을 지원하지 않습니다.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "연결된 파일, {0}, 줄 {1}부터 줄 {2}까지", "chat.imageAttachment": "첨부된 이미지, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "더 많은 모델 추가...", "chat.normalMode": "편집", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0}(으)로 보내기", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "{0}(으)로 해결됩니다." }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "한도에 도달함", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "채팅 한도에 도달", "chatStatus": "Copilot 상태", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "완성 한도에 도달", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "현재 Copilot 무료 사용 중:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "채팅 열기({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "코드 완성", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "다음 편집 제안(미리 보기)", "": "채팅", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "식 추가", "collapse": "모두 축소", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "표현식 복사", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "모든 식 제거", "typeNewValue": "새 값 입력", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "조사식 디버그", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json index 8e32a5980d..aeee387f67 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "Wskazówki śródwierszowe są domyślnie ukryte i są wyświetlane podczas przytrzymywania klawiszy {0}", "editor.inlayHints.on": "Wskazówki śródwierszowe są włączone", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "Wskazówki śródwierszowe są wyświetlane domyślnie i ukrywane podczas przytrzymywania klawiszy {0}", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "Większe sugestie będą wyświetlane obok siebie, jeśli będzie wystarczająco dużo miejsca; w przeciwnym razie zostaną pokazane poniżej.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Większe sugestie nigdy nie będą wyświetlane obok siebie i zawsze będą pokazywane poniżej.", "": "Wyłącz menu akcji kodu.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "Pokaż menu akcji kodu, gdy kursor znajduje się w wierszach z kodem lub w pustych wierszach.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "Pokaż menu akcji kodu, gdy kursor znajduje się w wierszach z kodem.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla symboli interfejsu. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, nawigacji i widżecie sugestii.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla symboli kluczy. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, nawigacji i widżecie sugestii.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla symboli słów kluczowych. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, nawigacji i widżecie sugestii.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla metod z symbolami strzałek. Te symbole pojawiają się w widżecie sugestii.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla symboli metod. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, nawigacji i widżecie sugestii.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla symboli modułów. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, nawigacji i widżecie sugestii.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "Kolor pierwszego planu dla symboli przestrzeni nazw. Te symbole pojawiają się w konspekcie, nawigacji i widżecie sugestii.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Otwórz w edytorze", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Przełącz do czatu", "": "Otwórz edytor", - "managePlan": "Zarządzaj planem funkcji Copilot", - "manageSettings": "Zarządzaj ustawieniami funkcji Copilot", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Więcej...", "newChatTitle": "Tytuł nowego czatu", "openChat": "Otwórz czat", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Włącza automatyczne wykrywanie uczestnika czatu na potrzeby czatu panelowego.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "To ustawienie jest przestarzałe. Zamiast tego użyj elementu „chat.detectParticipant.enabled”.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "Wartość kontekstu niejawnego.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Kontekst niejawny jest zawsze włączony.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Niejawny kontekst jest włączony podczas pierwszej interakcji.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Kontekst niejawny nigdy nie jest włączony.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Określ lokalizacje plików monitów wielokrotnego użytku („*{0}”), które można dołączać w sesjach czatu, edycji i czatu wbudowanego. [Dowiedz się więcej]({1}).\r\n\r\nŚcieżki względne są rozpoznawane z folderów głównych obszaru roboczego.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "Pliki monitów", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Określa, czy powiązane pliki mają być renderowane w danych wejściowych czatu.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Rozpocznij nowy czat", "file": "Wybierz plik w obszarze roboczym", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Określa rodzinę czcionek w blokach kodu czatu.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "Wybrany model nie obsługuje tego typu {0}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Dołączono: {0}. Wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Dołączony obraz, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Pominięto: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Pominięto: {0}. Wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Częściowo dołączone: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} nie obsługuje tego typu {1}.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Dołączony plik, {0}, wiersz {1} do wiersza {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Dołączony obraz, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Dodaj więcej modeli...", "chat.normalMode": "Edytuj", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Wyślij do @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "Zostanie rozpoznane jako {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Osiągnięto limit", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Osiągnięto limit czatu", "chatStatus": "Stan funkcji Copilot", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Osiągnięto limit uzupełnień", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Obecnie korzystasz z bezpłatnej funkcji Copilot:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Otwórz czat ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Uzupełnianie kodu", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Następna edycja sugestii (wersja zapoznawcza)", "": "Czat", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "Dodaj wyrażenie", "collapse": "Zwiń wszystko", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "Kopiuj wyrażenie", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Usuń wszystkie wyrażenia", "typeNewValue": "Wpisz nową wartość", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Debuguj wyrażenia kontrolne", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json index 44418b5008..dd96246f23 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-pt-BR/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "As dicas de embutimento ficam ocultas por padrão e são exibidas ao segurar {0}", "editor.inlayHints.on": "As dicas embutidas estão habilitadas", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "As dicas de incrustação são exibidas por padrão e ocultadas ao segurar {0}", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "Sugestões maiores serão exibidas lado a lado se houver espaço suficiente; caso contrário, elas aparecerão abaixo.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Sugestões maiores nunca são exibidas lado a lado e sempre aparecerão abaixo.", "": "Desabilite o menu de ação do código.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "Mostra o menu de ação do código quando o cursor estiver nas linhas com código ou nas linhas vazias.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "Mostra o menu de ação do código quando o cursor está nas linhas com código.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de interface. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de chave. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de palavra-chave. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano do método com símbolos de seta. Esses símbolos aparecem no widget de sugestão.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de método. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos do módulo. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "A cor de primeiro plano para símbolos de namespace. Esses símbolos aparecem na estrutura de tópicos, na trilha e no widget de sugestão.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Abrir no Editor", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Alternar para o chat", "": "Abrir Editor", - "managePlan": "Gerenciar Plano do Copilot", - "manageSettings": "Gerenciar Configurações do Copilot", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Mais...", "newChatTitle": "Título do novo chat", "openChat": "Abrir Chat", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Habilita a detecção automática do participante do chat para o chat do painel.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "Esta configuração foi preterida. Em vez disso, use 'chat.detectParticipant.enabled'.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "O valor para o contexto implícito.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "O contexto implícito está sempre habilitado.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "O contexto implícito está habilitado para a primeira interação.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "O contexto implícito nunca está habilitado.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Especifique a(s) localização(ões) dos arquivos de solicitação reutilizáveis (`*{0}`) que podem ser anexados em sessões de Chat, Edições e Chat Embutido. [Saiba Mais]({1}).\r\n\r\nOs caminhos relativos são resolvidos a partir da(s) pasta(s) raiz do seu workspace.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "Arquivos de Solicitação", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Controla se os arquivos relacionados devem ser renderizados na entrada do chat.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Iniciar um novo chat", "file": "Escolha um arquivo no espaço de trabalho", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Controla a família de fontes nos blocos de código do chat.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "O modelo selecionado não oferece suporte a este {0} tipo.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Anexado: {0}, linha {1} a linha {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Imagem anexada, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Omitido: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Omitido: {0}, linha {1} para linha {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Parcialmente anexado: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} não dá suporte a este tipo {1} sistema.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Arquivo anexado, {0}, linha {1} até a linha {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Imagem anexada, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Adicionar Mais Modelos...", "chat.normalMode": "Editar", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Enviar para @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "Será resolvido para {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limite atingido", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Limite de chat atingido", "chatStatus": "Status do Copilot", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limite de conclusões atingido", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Você está usando o Copilot Free:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Abrir Chat ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Conclusões de Código", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Próximas Sugestões de Edição (Versão Prévia)", "": "Chat", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "Adicionar Expressão", "collapse": "Recolher Tudo", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "Copiar Expressão", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Remover Todas as Expressões", "typeNewValue": "Digitar um novo valor", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Expressões de Inspeção de Depuração", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json index ec943b67f7..eb054f6b4a 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-qps-ploc/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Øpëñ ïñ Ëðïtør", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "§wïtçh tø çhæt", "": "Øpëñ Ëðïtør", - "managePlan": "Mæñægë Çøpïløt Plæñ", - "manageSettings": "Mæñægë Çøpïløt §ëttïñgs", + "manageCopilot": "Mæñægë Çøpïløt", "more": "Mørë...", "newChatTitle": "Ñëw çhæt tïtlë", "openChat": "Øpëñ Çhæt", @@ -5774,6 +5773,7 @@ "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "§pëçïfÿ løçætïøñ(s) øf rëµsæþlë prømpt fïlës (`*{0}`) thæt çæñ þë ættæçhëð ïñ Çhæt, Ëðïts, æñð Ïñlïñë Çhæt sëssïøñs. [£ëærñ Mørë]({1}).\r\n\r\nRëlætïvë pæths ærë rësølvëð frøm thë røøt følðër(s) øf ÿøµr wørkspæçë.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "Prømpt Fïlës", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Çøñtrøls whëthër rëlætëð fïlës shøµlð þë rëñðërëð ïñ thë çhæt ïñpµt.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Çøñtrøls whëthër æ Çøpïløt rëlætëð stætµs ïñðïçætør æppëærs ïñ thë løwër rïght çørñër.", "clear": "§tært æ ñëw çhæt", "file": "Çhøøsë æ fïlë ïñ thë wørkspæçë", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Çøñtrøls thë føñt fæmïlÿ ïñ çhæt çøðëþløçks.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "§ëlëçtëð møðël ðøës ñøt sµppørt thïs {0} tÿpë.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Ættæçhëð: {0}, lïñë {1} tø lïñë {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Ættæçhëð ïmægë, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Ømïttëð: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Ømïttëð: {0}, lïñë {1} tø lïñë {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Pærtïællÿ ættæçhëð: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} ðøës ñøt sµppørt thïs {1} tÿpë.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Ættæçhëð fïlë, {0}, lïñë {1} tø lïñë {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Ættæçhëð ïmægë, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Æðð Mørë Møðëls...", "chat.normalMode": "Ëðït", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "§ëñð tø @{0}", @@ -6127,13 +6129,15 @@ "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "£ïmït rëæçhëð", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Çhæt lïmït rëæçhëð", "chatStatus": "Çøpïløt §tætµs", - "chatsLabel": "Çhæts Üsëð", - "completionsLabel": "Çømplëtïøñs Üsëð", + "chatsLabel": "Çhæts Mëssægës Rëmæïñïñg", + "completionsLabel": "Çøðë Çømplëtïøñs Rëmæïñïñg", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Çømplëtïøñs lïmït rëæçhëð", - "limitQuota": "Üsægë wïll rësët øñ {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Ýøµ ærë çµrrëñtlÿ µsïñg Çøpïløt Frëë:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gæµgë þæçkgrøµñð çølør.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gæµgë førëgrøµñð çølør.", + "limitQuota": "£ïmïts wïll rësët øñ {0}.", + "limitTitle": "Ýøµ ærë µsïñg Çøpïløt Frëë", "openChat": "Øpëñ Çhæt ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "Ýøµ ærë µsïñg Çøpïløt Prø", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Çøðë Çømplëtïøñs", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Ñëxt Ëðït §µggëstïøñs (Prëvïëw)", "": "Çhæt", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json index a57de16953..96e72d5d81 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "Вложенные подсказки по умолчанию скрыты и отображаются при удержании {0}.", "editor.inlayHints.on": "Вложенные подсказки включены.", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "Вложенные подсказки отображаются по умолчанию и скрываются удержанием клавиш {0}.", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "Очень крупные предложения будут отображаться рядом, если достаточно места. В противном случае они будут демонстрироваться ниже.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Очень крупные предложения никогда не отображаются рядом и всегда демонстрируются ниже.", "": "Отключить меню действий кода.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "Показывать меню действий кода, если курсор находится на строках с кодом или на пустых строках.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "Показывать меню действий кода, если курсор находится в строках с кодом.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов интерфейса. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов ключа. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов ключевого слова. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для метода с символами стрелок. Эти символы отображаются в мини-приложении предложений.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов метода. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов модуля. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "Цвет переднего плана для символов пространства имен. Эти символы отображаются в структуре, элементе навигации и мини-приложении предложений.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Открыть в редакторе", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Переключиться в чат", "": "Открыть редактор", - "managePlan": "Управление планом Copilot", - "manageSettings": "Управление настройками Copilot", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Дополнительно...", "newChatTitle": "Название нового чата", "openChat": "Открыть чат", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Включает автоматическое определение участников чата для чата панели.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "Этот параметр является нерекомендуемым. Вместо этого используйте \"chat.detectParticipant.enabled\".", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "Значение для неявного контекста.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Неявный контекст всегда включен.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Неявный контекст включается для первого взаимодействия.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Неявный контекст никогда не включается.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Укажите расположение многократно используемых файлов запросов (\"*{0}\"), которые можно вкладывать в чат, правки и сеансы встроенного чата. [Подробнее]({1}).\r\n\r\nРазрешение относительных путей производится от корневых папок вашей рабочей области.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "Файлы запросов", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "Определяет, следует ли изображать соответствующие файлы во входных данных чата.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Начать новый чат", "file": "Выберите файл в рабочей области", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Определяет семейство шрифтов в блоках кода чата.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "Выбранная модель не поддерживает этот {0} тип.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Присоединено: {0}, строка {1} к строке {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Прикрепленное изображение, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Пропущено: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Пропущено: {0}, строка {1} до строки {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Частично присоединено: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} не поддерживает этот {1} тип.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Вложенный файл, {0}, строка {1} до строки {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Прикрепленное изображение, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Добавить другие модели...", "chat.normalMode": "Изменить", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "Отправить в @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "Будет разрешено в {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Достигнуто ограничение", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Достигнуто ограничение чата", "chatStatus": "Состояние Copilot", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Достигнуто ограничение количества завершений", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Сейчас вы используете бесплатный план Copilot:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Открыть чат ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0}/{1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Завершение кода", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Следующие предложения по редактированию (предварительная версия)", "": "Чат", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "Добавить выражение", "collapse": "Свернуть все", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "Копировать выражение", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Удалить все выражения", "typeNewValue": "Введите новое значение", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Отладка выражений контрольных значений", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json index 3e6620b6a4..0d6ae2f229 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "Yerleşik ipuçları varsayılan olarak gizlidir ve {0} basılıyken gösterilir", "editor.inlayHints.on": "Yerleşik ipuçları etkinleştirildi", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "Yerleşik ipuçları varsayılan olarak gösterilir ve {0} basılıyken gizlenir", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "Daha büyük öneriler, yeterli alan varsa yan yana gösterilir; aksi takdirde aşağıda gösterilir.", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Daha büyük öneriler hiçbir zaman yan yana gösterilmez; her zaman aşağıda gösterilir.", "": "Kod eylemi menüsünü devre dışı bırakın.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "İmleç kod içeren satırlarda veya boş satırlarda olduğunda kod eylemi menüsünü göster.", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "İmleç kod içeren satırlarda olduğunda kod eylemi menüsünü göster.", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "Arabirim sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "Anahtar sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "Anahtar sözcük sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "Ok ile metot sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "Metot sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "Modül sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "Ad alanı sembolleri için ön plan rengi. Bu semboller ana hatta, içerik haritasında ve öneri pencere öğesinde görünür.", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "Düzenleyici'de Aç", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "Sohbete geç", "": "Düzenleyiciyi Aç", - "managePlan": "Copilot Planını Yönet", - "manageSettings": "Copilot Ayarlarını Yönet", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "Diğer...", "newChatTitle": "Yeni sohbet başlığı", "openChat": "Sohbeti Aç", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "Panel sohbeti için sohbet katılımcısını otomatik algılamayı etkinleştirir.", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "Bu ayar kullanım dışıdır. Lütfen bunun yerine `chat.detectParticipant.enabled` ayarını kullanın.", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "Örtük bağlamın değeri.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Örtük bağlam her zaman etkinleştirilir.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Örtük bağlam ilk etkileşim için etkinleştirilir.", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Örtük bağlam hiçbir zaman etkinleştirilmez.", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "Sohbet, Düzenleme ve Satır İçi Sohbet oturumlarına eklenebilen yeniden kullanılabilir istem dosyalarının ('*{0}') konumlarını belirtin. [Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin]({1}).\r\n\r\nGöreli yollar, çalışma alanınızın kök klasörlerinden çözümlenir.", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "İstem Dosyaları", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "İlgili dosyaların sohbet girişinde işlenip işlenmeyeceğini denetler.", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "Yeni sohbet başlat", "file": "Çalışma alanında bir dosya seçin", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "Sohbet kod bloklarındaki yazı tipi ailesini kontrol eder.", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "Seçilen model bu tür {0} desteklemiyor.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "Eklendi: {0}, satır {1} - satır {2}.", "chat.imageAttachment": "Eklenen resim, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "Atlandı: {0}.", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "Atlandı: {0}, satır {1}- satır {2}.", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "Kısmen eklendi: {0}.", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0}, bu tür {1} desteklemiyor.", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "Ekli dosya, {0}, satır {1} - satır {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "Eklenen resim, {0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "Daha Fazla Model Ekle...", "chat.normalMode": "Düzenle", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "@{0} kullanıcısına gönder", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "{0} URL’sine çözümlenir" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Sınıra ulaşıldı", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "Sohbet sınırına ulaşıldı", "chatStatus": "Copilot Durumu", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Tamamlama sınırına ulaşıldı", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "Şu anda Copilot Ücretsiz'i kullanıyorsunuz:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "Sohbeti Aç ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "Kod Tamamlamaları", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "Sonraki Düzenleme Önerileri (Önizleme)", "": "Sohbet", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "İfade Ekle", "collapse": "Tümünü Daralt", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "İfadeyi Kopyala", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "Tüm İfadeleri Kaldır", "typeNewValue": "Yeni değer yazın", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "Hata Ayıklama İzleme İfadeleri", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json index 55492a4672..b1995b3019 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hans/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "默认情况下隐藏内嵌提示,并在按住 {0} 时显示", "editor.inlayHints.on": "已启用内嵌提示", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "默认情况下显示内嵌提示,并在按住 {0} 时隐藏", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "如果有足够的空间,较大的建议将并排显示,否则将显示在下面。", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "较大的建议从不并排显示,而是始终显示在下面。", "": "禁用代码操作菜单。", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "当光标与代码一起排列或在空的行时,显示代码操作菜单。", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "当光标与代码一起排列时,显示代码操作菜单。", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "接口符号的前景色。这些符号将显示在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小组件中。", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "键符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "关键字符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "带有箭头符号的方法的前景色。这些符号显示在建议小组件中。", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "方法符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "模块符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在大纲、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "命名空间符号的前景颜色。这些符号出现在轮廓、痕迹导航栏和建议小部件中。", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "在编辑器中打开", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "切换到聊天", "": "打开编辑器", - "managePlan": "管理 Copilot 计划", - "manageSettings": "管理 Copilot 设置", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "更多...", "newChatTitle": "新聊天标题", "openChat": "打开聊天", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "为 panel 聊天启用聊天参与者自动删除功能。", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "此设置已弃用。请改用“chat.detectParticipant.enabled”。", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "隐式上下文的值。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "始终启用隐式上下文。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "已为第一次交互启用隐式上下文。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "从不启用隐式上下文。", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "指定可在聊天、编辑和内联聊天会话中附加的可重用提示文件(`*{0}`)的位置。[了解详细信息]({1}).\r\n\r\n相对路径是从工作区的根文件夹解析的。", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "提示文件", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "控制是否应在聊天输入中呈现相关文件。", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "启动新聊天", "file": "选择工作区中的文件", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "控制聊天代码块中的字体系列。", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "所选模型不支持此 {0} 类型。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "已附加: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。", "chat.imageAttachment": "附加的图像,{0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "已省略: {0}。", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "已省略: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "已部分附加: {0}。", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} 不支持此 {1} 类型。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "附加文件,{0},行 {1} 到行 {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "附加的图像,{0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "添加更多模型...", "chat.normalMode": "编辑", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "发送到 @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "将解析为 {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "已达到限制", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "已达到聊天限制", "chatStatus": "Copilot 状态", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "已达到完成限制", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "你当前正在使用 Copilot 免费版:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "打开聊天({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "代码补全", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "下一个编辑建议(预览)", "": "聊天", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "添加表达式", "collapse": "全部折叠", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "复制表达式", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "删除所有表达式", "typeNewValue": "键入新值", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "调试监视表达式", diff --git a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json index 5c9437ad71..2e060626a7 100644 --- a/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json +++ b/i18n/vscode-language-pack-zh-hant/translations/main.i18n.json @@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ "editor.inlayHints.offUnlessPressed": "預設會隱藏內嵌提示,並在按住 {0} 時顯示", "editor.inlayHints.on": "已啟用內嵌提示", "editor.inlayHints.onUnlessPressed": "預設會顯示內嵌提示,並在按住 {0} 時隱藏", - "": "Larger suggestions will show side by side if there is enough space, otherwise they will be shown below.", - "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "Larger suggestions are never shown side by side and will always be shown below.", + "": "如果空間足夠,較大的建議將會並排顯示,否則會顯示在下方。", + "editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide.never": "較大的建議永遠不會並排顯示,且一定會顯示在下方。", "": "停用程式代碼動作功能表。", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.on": "當游標位於含有程式代碼的行或空行時,顯示程式碼動作功能表。", "editor.lightbulb.enabled.onCode": "當游標位於含有程式代碼的行時,顯示程式碼動作功能表。", @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ "symbolIcon.interfaceForeground": "介面符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。", "symbolIcon.keyForeground": "索引鍵符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。", "symbolIcon.keywordForeground": "關鍵字符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。", - "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "The foreground color for method with an arrow symbols. These symbols appear in the suggest widget.", + "symbolIcon.methodArrowForeground": "箭頭符號方法的前景顏色。這些符號會出現在建議的介面控件中。", "symbolIcon.methodForeground": "方法符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。", "symbolIcon.moduleForeground": "模組符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。", "symbolIcon.namespaceForeground": "命名空間符號的前景色彩。這些符號會出現在大綱、階層連結和建議小工具中。", @@ -5575,8 +5575,7 @@ "interactiveSession.history.editor": "在編輯器中開啟", "interactiveSession.history.pick": "切換至聊天", "": "開啟編輯器", - "managePlan": "管理 Copilot 方案", - "manageSettings": "管理 Copilot 設定", + "manageCopilot": "Manage Copilot", "more": "其他...", "newChatTitle": "新增聊天標題", "openChat": "開啟聊天", @@ -5767,13 +5766,14 @@ "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled": "為小組聊天啟用聊天參與者自動偵測。", "chat.experimental.detectParticipant.enabled.deprecated": "此設定已被取代。請改為使用 `chat.detectParticipant.enabled`。", "chat.implicitContext.enabled.1": "Enables automatically using the active editor as chat context for specified chat locations.", - "chat.implicitContext.value": "The value for the implicit context.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "Implicit context is always enabled.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "Implicit context is enabled for the first interaction.", - "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "Implicit context is never enabled.", + "chat.implicitContext.value": "隱含內容的值。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.always": "隱含內容一律啟用。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.first": "已啟用第一個互動的隱含內容。", + "chat.implicitContext.value.never": "永不啟用隱含內容。", "chat.promptFiles.config.description": "指定可在聊天、編輯和內嵌聊天工作階段中附加的可重複使用提示檔案 (`*{0}`) 之位置。[深入了解]({1})。\r\n\r\n相對路徑會從工作區的根目錄解析。", "chat.promptFiles.config.title": "提示檔案", "chat.renderRelatedFiles": "控制相關檔案是否應該在聊天輸入中呈現。", + "chat.statusIndicator": "Controls whether a Copilot related status indicator appears in the lower right corner.", "clear": "開始新的聊天", "file": "選擇工作區中的檔案", "interactiveSession.editor.fontFamily": "控制聊天程式碼區塊中的字型家族。", @@ -5809,6 +5809,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "選取的模型不支援此 {0} 類型。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange3": "已連結: {0},行 {1} 至行 {2}。", "chat.imageAttachment": "已附加影像,{0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.omittedFileAttachment": "已省略: {0}。", "chat.omittedFileAttachmentWithRange": "已省略: {0},行 {1} 到行 {2}。", "chat.partialFileAttachment": "部分已連結: {0}。", @@ -6008,6 +6009,7 @@ "chat.fileAttachmentHover": "{0} 不支援此 {1} 類型。", "chat.fileAttachmentWithRange": "附加的檔案,{0},行 {1} 至行 {2}", "chat.imageAttachment": "已附加影像,{0}", + "chat.imageAttachmentHover": "{0}", "chat.moreModels": "新增其他模型...", "chat.normalMode": "編輯", "chat.submitToSecondaryAgent": "傳送至 @{0}", @@ -6124,16 +6126,18 @@ "willResolveTo": "將解析為 {0}" }, "vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/chatStatus": { - "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "Limit reached", + "chatAndCompletionsQuotaExceededStatus": "已達到限制", "chatQuotaExceededStatus": "已達到聊天限制", "chatStatus": "Copilot 狀態", - "chatsLabel": "Chats Used", - "completionsLabel": "Completions Used", + "chatsLabel": "Chats Messages Remaining", + "completionsLabel": "Code Completions Remaining", "completionsQuotaExceededStatus": "已達到完成限制", - "limitQuota": "Usage will reset on {0}.", - "limitTitle": "您目前正在使用 Copilot 免費版:", + "gaugeBackground": "Gauge background color.", + "gaugeForeground": "Gauge foreground color.", + "limitQuota": "Limits will reset on {0}.", + "limitTitle": "You are using Copilot Free", "openChat": "開啟聊天 ({0})", - "quotaDisplay": "{0} / {1}", + "proTitle": "You are using Copilot Pro", "settings.toggleCompletions": "程式碼完成", "settings.toggleNextEditSuggestions": "下一個編輯建議 (預覽)", "": "聊天", @@ -7396,7 +7400,7 @@ "vs/workbench/contrib/debug/browser/watchExpressionsView": { "addWatchExpression": "加入運算式", "collapse": "全部摺疊", - "copyWatchExpression": "Copy Expression", + "copyWatchExpression": "複製運算式", "removeAllWatchExpressions": "移除所有運算式", "typeNewValue": "輸入新值", "watchAriaTreeLabel": "對監看運算式執行偵錯",