+ Welcome to the 9th Official Microsoft MakeCode Game Jam! This is a fun
+ competition where you can pit your game development skills against
+ others to build a game using MakeCode Arcade,
+ a game engine for retro pixel-art games that run in the browser
+ or on handheld game devices.
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--- /dev/null
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+const bg = document.getElementById("diagonalHatch")
+let start = Date.now();
+function doAnimation() {
+ bg.setAttribute("x", ((Date.now() - start) / 20));
+ requestAnimationFrame(doAnimation)
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index 00000000000..339418273d9
--- /dev/null
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+ "rules": {
+ "path": "/static/gamejam/jams/female-gamechangers/rules.md"
+ },
+ "featured": [
+ ],
+ "start": "2024-3-1 00:00:01 GMT-0700",
+ "end": "2024-3-31 23:59:59 GMT-0700"
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+ | |
+-- | --
+ |  | 
+For Women's History Month in March, we are excited to partner with Girls Who Code and Code Ninjas to celebrate women who have made an impact in your life through the Female Gamechangers Game Jam!
+The theme for this jam is "Women who impacted your life". Your game could include a famous woman from history, someone you know personally, or even an original character you create!
+Some examples of good interpretations of this theme:
+1. A game that traces the journey of Amelia Earhart
+2. A sports game featuring female athletes
+3. A space exploration game inspired by the life of NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson
+-- | --
+ |  | 
+You can interpret the theme however you want, but someone playing your game should be able to see how it relates to the theme without extra explanation.
+Be sure to also check out the [official Code Ninja's page for this jam](https://forms.codeninjas.com/femalegamechangers) to learn about how you can be entered to win prizes if you're under 16!
+## Important Dates
+The game jam will run from **March 1, 2024** to **March 31, 2024**
+You will have one month to build and submit your games for the competition! For you procrastinators out there, we will accept games up until 11:59pm on March 31st.
+## Getting started
+Never programmed in Microsoft MakeCode Arcade before? No problem! Check out our [beginner skillmaps](https://arcade.makecode.com/--skillmap#dino) to learn the basics of making a game!
+## Rules
+1. Games should be built in MakeCode Arcade
+2. Your game must relate to the jam theme. Someone playing your game should be able to see how it relates to the theme without extra explanation.
+3. Keep the games PG: no NSFW, offensive, or excessively violent content.
+4. You must be at least 9 years old to participate.
+5. All games must be submitted by someone who is at least 13 years old. Younger students are welcome to participate, but it must be in partnership with an adult and with parent permission.
+## Join the community
+This game jam is designed to be an easy introduction to making games, even for folks without prior programming experience! We highly encourage parents and educators to work with interested students to bring their games to life.
+Join our [forums](https://forum.makecode.com) to chat with other coders, brainstorm ideas, or form a game jam team. You can hang out with the MakeCode team there too!
+## Tips and tricks
+* When designing your game, keep in mind that Arcade is restricted to a 160x120 16-color screen
+* See [these instructions](https://arcade.makecode.com/developer/images) for information on importing images and color palettes into Arcade.
+* Check out the [developer documentation](https://arcade.makecode.com/developer) for more advanced tips to use in Arcade.
+* Also make sure you check out the winners of [our][traffic-jam] [past][garden-jam] [jams][ocean-jam]!
+[traffic-jam]: https://arcade.makecode.com/gamejam/traffic
+[ocean-jam]: https://arcade.makecode.com/gamejam/ocean
+[garden-jam]: https://arcade.makecode.com/gamejam/garden
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